Really Sinclair?
What a joke. KLEW has been SCRW’d. Maybe those should be the station’s new call letters.
They have different anchors and different weather reporters not even from this region, with the least experienced holding down the fort. I hope they’re working from home. They might as well be, with the nice fake backgrounds they use.
Sinclair has sold out the heart of northern Idaho, ripping our pride from us. Find a buyer. Give us back our dignity.
Charles Adams
Congrats on tax charges
The ultra-right has been howling at the moon for years about Hunter Biden. Of course, anyone with one brain cell functional knows they wouldn’t care a fig about Hunter Biden if he weren’t the son of Joe Biden. Their imaginary conspiracy theories about this guy just keep getting bigger and bigger.
Nonetheless, they recently got ol’ Hunter for misdemeanor tax charges, so — in all fairness — congratulations, guys. You got ’im. You got the tater.
Danny Radakovich
A doctor’s warning
A heart doctor recently declined any discussion regarding the COVID-19 “jab,” even though some physicians have now expressed serious concerns with this shot negatively impacting the heart — and a lot more. (See
Did he believe it was safe and how might he address overwhelming evidence of harm? He preferred to avoid the topic.
If our doctors don’t feel free to discuss such an important medical issue with patients, that seems a frightening and dangerous prospect.
Dr. Richard Eggleston never shied away from sharing concerns regarding the COVID-19 shot in his commentary in the Opinion section of the Lewiston Tribune, often quoting highly credentialed physicians, and diverting from mainstream media’s seemingly one-lane, “safe and effective” captured narrative, while taking heat for doing so. He obviously wanted to warn of perceived harm.
If there were questions regarding his content, we had the freedom to check sources.
Those harmed by previous vaccines (polio and swine flu) or who took medications such as fen-phen (linked to heart valve damage) may have wished they had a doctor who’d warned of risks in advance of injuries or death.
Rebekah Koffler, author of the book “Putin’s Playbook,” is a former U.S. intelligence specialist who was born and raised in the Soviet Union, a totalitarian state. Koffler has detected a disturbing change in America — a censoring or muzzling in dialogue, which concerns her. “Only someone who has experienced the absence of freedom can truly understand the meaning of the word,” she warned.
Ronda Granlund