Worse than Trump
Worse than the ethically challenged Donald Trump may be the morally vacant Ron DeSantis, Trump’s fascist twin and equally ill-suited to lead. Proof lies with DeSantis’ negative, self-serving, shameful, constituent-ignoring, far-right agenda and a mob boss who feeds constituents untruths and misinformation to anger and steer them away from reality, just like the Donald.
Blaming President Joe Biden for all our problems is ridiculous. I’d be down with Marv Dugger’s July 3 complaints about Biden if the opinion was directed at 47 years as a senator, where Biden’s votes helped us get to this point — Citizens United corporations ordering more unfair tax cuts.
Using the foil “job creators,” corporations and lawmakers sneer contemptuously at voters, lobby for more military-style people-killers — their answer to children dying in schools and people dying while shopping or attending church.
Instead of raising awareness about Wall Street’s tax plans and Trump’s criminality or death dealt by well-armed teenagers (how many more dead children must we suffer?), trigger-happy police firing 90 shots at one man or Republicans ignoring congressional and judicial subpoenas, Dugger presents exaggerated guesswork from the Revolver website whose headlines ring of truth, but from what I read, is speculation, not factual.
Underneath all of the unrest, dead school kids, a dying planet, incessant lying, fears of socialism and Dugger’s misinformed opinion are Wall Street corporations, who do not give a s*** who is president.
They are confident of a compliant, bribed Congress.
Jim Roach
If the shoe fits,
I do not dispute Danny J. Radakovich account of Kamala Harris’ academic record. Now for the rest of the story.
Perhaps the lady in the gray Chevrolet pickup and I have more facts about the tailgate sign “Joe and the hoe gotta go.”
Harris vaulted up in California Democratic politics to become attorney general after serving as mistress to Bobby Brown, the corrupt mayor of San Francisco. Her liberal action prompted her to endorse a fund dedicated to raise money to bail criminals out of jail. I ask you, Danny J., do you still declare Harris to be an exemplary pillar of virtue and grace? Just asking.
Glenn Richey