OpinionJuly 14, 2021

More guns for Haiti?

In light of the recent assassination of President Jovenel Moise in Haiti, one has to wonder if a “well regulated militia” may have saved his life. Can a well-regulated militia now bring peace to the troubled Haitian society in the aftermath of the president’s assassination?

Should the National Rifle Association with its sanctimonious desire for justice actually ship enough AR-15s to arm the entire population of Haiti so that peace and tranquility can return to the nation? Or, conservatively, should the U.S. send enough psychologists to Haiti to determine who should actually have possession of an AR-15?

In an America that is living 230 years after the Second Amendment became law, we need someone with a lot more common sense than the NRA to interpret the meaning of its text. This is especially so since there is nothing in the text regarding a “background check” before arming any of the militia. It may be that common sense is now rejected at the price of purchasing political influence.

Should the NRA’s access to social media be restricted? Can a safe and sane America exist without the continual harangue of the NRA assuring us that we need more guns? Sadly, social insanity is driven by fear, and unless mankind can return to some level of confident trust, none of us will ever live in peace.

Any and all of the questions can be expanded upon. But in the meantime, I would settle for a lot more common sense.

John Vornholt

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Tribune strayed from truth

I am truly appalled that the Lewiston Tribune continues to publish lies and trash in the name of providing alternate opinions. But to do so when publishing blatantly untrue, supposedly medical facts that will cause real and lasting harm to those who might read it and take it for truth borders on fraudulent misrepresentation.

It is most certainly a betrayal of every journalistic ethical principal you claim to hold dear.

Allow me to point out that your so-called opinion piece claims not to be opinion, but to be a matter of fact, thus reporting, not opining. It is certainly possible to provide a range of opinions in the Tribune without lapsing into factual lies — your national columnists do this quite nicely. Truthfulness is the first code of ethics for journalism. You have strayed far.

Marcia Banta


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