OpinionJanuary 30, 2022

Voting no

I voted recently on the expiring Clarkston School District operating levy.

Yes, I sat at my kitchen table drinking my morning coffee and voted.

First, however, I needed to do some research. My ballot provides an argument for and an argument against.

In the argument for, there was no statement. Was this an oversight or was this intentional? Was this arrogance that this is a sure-thing election or an oversight in selling the public on the importance of the levy?

Maybe the school district figured its article published in the Lewiston Tribune reached enough of the voting public. I researched on the site listed on the arguments against. The website is www.schooldataproject.com, The School Data Project is an ongoing analysis of Washington state’s public K-12 schools.

The site lists facts, charts and graphics to show cost comparisons of per pupil expenditures and total district expenditures to include levies, taxes, etc. I encourage you to look at this site. I believe the state is still not paying the McCleary ruling and needs to go back to court. Until it does and the school district gets the proper funding, I will be voting no.

Rodger Rawson


Holier than thou

Mike Epstein, you spewed such hatred in your Jan. 23 letter.

It is a proven fact that the mask you wear to prevent COVID-19 is useless. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director and chief presidential medical adviser Anthony Faucci and government officials said: “Get the shot it will protect you,” which turned out to be a lie.

Not even six months after the vaccine came out, they said: “Get a booster it will protect you.” Again, it was another lie.

Faucci said: “Wear a mask, it will protect you.” It was another lie.

You may have gotten the shot and a booster like I did, but you can still be a carrier of COVID-19 and expelling COVID-19 molecules past your mask, making other people sick.

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The arrogance you exhibit in your letter is astounding. For you to try to appear superior as a liberal Democrat and to state that GOP-affiliated people should not be treated for a COVID-19 infection is wrong on so many levels.

There could be many reasons a person does not receive the shot. But you, sir, either ignore this or choose to curse them.

I can only hope your holier than thou attitude does come back and bite you in the posterior.

Paula Roman


Defends Dugger

I was saddened by the attack piece by Vicki Everrett regarding Marvin F. Dugger’s opinions about dams vs. salmon.

It is a sign of the times that people personally attack those who hold dissenting opinions, rather than intelligently debate the opinion. Our Founding Fathers believed opinions were important enough that they provided protection against persecution for voicing them, unlike countries where a dissenting opinion gets you an all-expense paid trip to the Gulag or a polonium pellet.

Granted, Dugger likes voicing his opinions and some may appear ill-informed. Recall his smiling face on the billboard in North Lewiston supporting the move to add massive public debt to throw more money into public education?

But his right to do so is sacred.

Speaking of sacred, implying that because Dugger’s opinions should be dismissed because he is a carpenter by trade and, thus, somehow less worthy, reminds me of another carpenter whose teachings are revered by many throughout the Western world.

In closing, I am moved to say to those who disparage our good fortune to live with hydropower: Shut yours off and take a salmon to bed with you tonight. See if it keeps you warm.

While I hear they smoke well, they put off little heat or light, and kindling one up to warm your pot of spotted owl soup can be very difficult.

Marque French


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