WSU’s diversity works
The author of the Jan. 22 letter titled “Woke at WSU” worries that his grandchildren will suffer because of Washington State University’s diversity agenda.
The university says students shouldn’t be made to feel bad about their ancestry but do have some responsibility for our historic mistreatment of Blacks.
Responsibility, the author points out, links to an individual’s behavior, which wouldn’t relate to past acts.
But acknowledging that Blacks were mistreated, maybe even by their ancestors, will allow our grandchildren to succeed in a different world from the one we grew up in.
Imagine a prospective employer comparing a WSU graduate with a similar University of Idaho graduate. One school prepared its graduate to thrive in a diverse workforce.
The other student went to a university where professors can be jailed for teaching that same skill.
We should celebrate WSU’s focus not try to defund it.
Jeffrey Watt
Say no to vouchers
This letter is in response to the “strong education options” being considered by the Idaho Legislature.
I was a public school teacher in rural Idaho in the 1990s. I had taken classes for many years to earn my teaching certificate for K-8 in all subjects and secondary science.
I found teaching in the public school very rewarding, but I was only able to teach for three years due to the low salary. I brought a lot of experience from the health care profession to my classrooms. But when I was offered tenure with a third-year contract, I had to leave teaching and return to health care.
My own children were eligible for reduced lunch even though I worked as a full-time teacher.
I spent all of my savings buying classroom supplies. You cannot teach science labs without supplies.
If this Legislature approves vouchers for private and religious home schools, you will further harm rural public schools. Public funding requires citizen oversight. Please contact your representatives to vote no for vouchers that take our public funds for urban private schools.
Dee Blair