OpinionJanuary 24, 2021

Plenty to write about

James Claffey, you honor me, though not in a complimentary manner. You are mistaken, however, in your unfounded belief, since President Chaos has been legitimately ousted — hopefully forever from American politics — there’ll be nothing left to criticize.

Oh, you poor misguided Always Trumper, how silly. You see, I’m not a Democratic libtard; I’m an independent libtard. ... I’m actually a libtard in name only. As you do, I believe abortion is wrong. But, you will never read me telling any woman what she can or cannot do with her body, as old white men, even senior to me and I’m getting on, are doing.

I also believe in small government, as do you. But, my vision for smaller government includes fairness for all taxpayers, not the convoluted and unfair system that our so-called lawmakers have given us. My vision also includes ending fossil fuel use and our dependence in oil. We now have the technology to counter the ill-effects of burning carbon. The capitalists have yet to figure that out. ...

Democrats are as guilty as Republicans, all of whom have allowed Wall Street corporations to set government policy and legally bribe (Citizens United) politicians for even greater unfair laws in their favor. Have you not noticed? ...

Our congressmen’s actions have screwed everyone, including you. ...

So, not to worry James: there are many subjects left for me to harp on, including the deluded belief of “Socialism, run for your lives.” Many of which, I leave unwritten, for now. ...

Jim Roach


Missing Trump

What the world leaders liked about ex-President Donald Trump was his ability to put them on a level equal to himself. He had an ordinary vocabulary and another one might be derived from a construction crew having a bad day, such as “What the hell is that all about?”

They are going to miss him.

The communist-leaning Democrats and Republicans are trying to impeach him largely because of how he speaks but also blaming him for the break-in at the Capitol.

Even China has chastised these roughs, telling them that they are conducting inhumane treatment of one of their most revered citizens, Trump.

These are socialists filled with envy, hate and spite. They envy Trump for all of his accomplishments and they all want to run to be president in 2024. And they know if he runs, they have no chance .

Is President Joe real or perhaps only in myth?

If you look at all pictures of him shown on TV, they are all projections of an image of him, some in thin air and others at a podium. It looks obvious that when we see him speaking, these are words from the past and made to fit that which is now spoken. Lip movements and all are taken from an algorithm and made to fit what the Teleprompter is programming .

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We’ll see.

Ben Seubert


Responding to Havens

Wow, my topic in the Jan. 10 letter was focused on the potential of a conflict of interest because some of the Lewiston-Nez Perce County Regional Airport Authority Board members have hangars on the airport. Since I was limited to 250 words, I didn’t feel I had the luxury to blather on about Part 139 and the city leases, which, by the way, they own.

I must say I am very impressed that Airport Authority Board Chairman Gary Peters has “extensive knowledge of all things related to air travel.”

With God looking over him and pointing the way, the pettiness of we mortals must be beneath him. That’s why Nez Perce County Commissioner Doug Havens felt compelled to pontificate about the Joint Powers Agreement.

Ged W. Randall



I liked the “Blast from the Past” on Jan. 9 (1961 “Heading for green pastures”).

I do remember those days. There was Roy and Tom Pethtel’s Ranch. My dad’s place was right down creek.

Years later in the 1980s, I remember living on State Highway 64, two miles from town, and looking straight across about a half mile — to Joe and Flora Teachman’s ranch to see a big buck — 16 hands high — in her pasture.

That was the TV horse of “Gunsmoke” named “Buck.”

Flora said she will not write any more letters to the editor. I don’t blame her. But if she could send in a picture of that horse, that would be wonderful.

Hope you can, Flora Teachman.

Michael Blue


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