OpinionJanuary 21, 2024

Climate change facts

Here are some more facts on climate change.

Since almost a million years ago, CO2 levels fluctuated but remained below 300 parts per million. Since 1950, it has shot up from 300ppm to 420ppm. Other facts to consider are the resulting increase in global temperatures and in sea levels.

The Carboniferous Period, which spanned from approximately 360 million years ago to 300 million years ago, began with a high CO2 level but growth of many plants (which we now burn as fossil fuels) dropped CO2 levels below the present level. The increase in CO2 levels at that time was primarily because of volcanic activity.

What was the effect of high CO2 levels? Global average temperature was about 77 degrees Fahrenheit, which gradually cooled because of reduction in CO2 levels to below the present level. The average global temperature is now roughly 59 degrees.

Although several factors are involved in sea level changes, during the Carboniferous, it is estimated sea level dropped from approximately more than 650 feet above to below the current level. Sea levels were similarly high in the Devonian Period.

You may think it’s no big deal that we have CO2 levels found hundreds of millions of years ago, but concomitant with that is the rise in global temperatures, increase in severe weather and increase in sea levels. These increases, because of increase in CO2, we are witnessing now. I think it’s a big deal as we face extreme weather and increased sea level rise.

Charlotte Omoto

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Illogical voters

A little logic goes a long way, especially in clearing up the pollution of current political discourse.

For instance, Donald Trump and his followers have taken to calling those arrested for taking part in the Jan. 6 Capitol riots “hostages.” But the same people also claim that Antifa and deep-state factions were the real rioters.

Well, which is it? Logic renders these claims mutually exclusive, for why would the Trumpsters want Antifa and deep-state activists released?

Logic also dictates that someone must be lying and that the liars are those making conflicting claims. But logic also tells us that an obvious liar should not be ahead in the polls. And yet Trump leads.

So the only logical conclusions are either that the polls are wrong or that a majority of voters are illogical. Judging from the amount of Trump signs and flags flying proudly — and illogically — the second conclusion makes the most sense.

Mike Ruskovich


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