Not much to offer
What is wrong with Lewiston? I grew up in Lewiston in the 1950s and ’60s when the downtown area was booming. Now it’s so overgrown with trees and there are very few businesses.
In my opinion, the trees have got to go — along with the parallel parking. Put it back to the way it was when things were booming in Lewiston.
Go up to Moscow and see the difference. All the businesses are booming. There are very few vacant buildings.
Wake up, Lewiston. You haven’t got much to offer anymore. Even the mall is empty.
Randy Banks
Elk City
Senators, do your duty
I cannot believe that I have to write to both my senators to ask you to stand up for democracy and pass both the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.
Do you both truly believe that allowing 19 states (including Idaho) to change voting laws aimed at suppressing votes from our citizenry is appropriate? It is not.
It is every citizen’s right to exercise their right to vote. Undermining our right to vote is now rampant throughout our country exhibited by the closing of polling stations, heavy-handed Voter ID requirements, reduced hours/days for early voting, gerrymandering and, most egregious of all, new state laws allowing partisan election administrators. Apparently neither of you is bothered by this.
Well, senators, this citizen certainly is. It is imperative that our elections are fair and that everyone can cast his vote freely without hindrance and that his vote is recorded accurately. The Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act will guarantee those rights for every Idahoan and every American.
Sen. Mike Crapo, you voted to reauthorize the Voting Rights Act in 2006 along with every other Senator.
And please, don’t insult us by crying “states’ rights.” Let me remind you of the 15th Amendment to the Constitution: The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State.
Senators, do your duty and approve voting rights for all Americans.
Heather Stout
Unite against hate
People throughout Idaho and the Northwest find all forms of hate repulsive and are alarmed by the increasingly blatant demonstrations of anti-Semitism occurring in Boise. We can only imagine how it must feel for people, especially Jewish residents, to find flyers on their doorsteps with disgusting caricatures of Jewish figures, describing the COVID-19 pandemic as a Jewish plot, enclosed with pellet gun ammunition. This is in addition to anti-Semitic slogans and swastikas sprayed on doorsteps, fences, sidewalks and close to the Anne Frank Human Rights Memorial, plus last year’s vandalism of Spokane’s Temple Beth Shalom.
Wake up, Idaho. The roots of hate when allowed to spread hurt not just the Jews, but all minorities and eventually all of society. The message to us, whatever our beliefs or political affiliation, is to speak up and take a united stand against hate.
Twenty-four human rights and religious organizations from throughout the region have signed this letter. People want their law enforcement to uproot whoever is responsible for the vandalism. They want government, religious and business leaders to acknowledge the seriousness of these incidents and to champion justice and inclusion. We must teach our children and educate ourselves about lessons of past tragedies and how smaller incidents can grow to widespread violence and genocide. We can’t afford to be silent. Together, we have the power to fight hate and promote human dignity. We are indeed “Too Great for Hate,” and we commit to the creation of a harmonious and safe future for all.
Joann Muneta
Chairwoman, Latah County Human Rights Task Force
The 24 organizations are listed at: