OpinionJanuary 17, 2021

Contact Simpson

Congressman Mike Simpson should propose legislation to breach the four lower Snake River dams. Idaho’s once renowned chinook, sockeye and steelhead are going extinct due to his complacency. The fish cannot be saved without dam removal. The power the dams generate is meaningless, considering the Pacific Northwest has a 16 percent oversupply of electricity. They could easily be replaced with cheaper clean energy and their continued usage threatens Bonneville Power Administration’s solvency.

Full recovery of our fish could mean more than $500 million in annual economic benefits and 25,000 jobs in this part of the country. This would greatly benefit Lewiston and other Snake River economies.

Furthermore, federal government agreements with the Nez Perce Tribe guarantee the survival of these keystone species.

The port, whose usage has been in decline, is not beneficial to industry. Barging is only slightly cheaper than rail due to government subsidies funded by our tax dollars.

Simpson should propose a solution that moves these subsidies to rail and ensures competitive pricing so that Idaho grain farmers can pay less to access the Columbia River and Pacific markets.

Salmon and steelhead used to paint Idaho’s streams with streaks of red and silver as they returned in the millions to their spawning grounds, bringing with them valuable ocean nutrients. Saving these wild species means saving the entire Snake River ecosystem.

I urge readers to write to Simpson and ask him to save our fish.

Shiva Rajbhandari


Profile in opportunism

It’s been a week since the insurrection and failed coup. Our Washington 5th Congressional District representative, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, signed up for the ploy to overturn a lawful, certified presidential election. This wasn’t terribly surprising given her unwavering support of President Donald Trump’s incessant lies, misogyny, thinly-veiled calls to violence and racism during the years. As well, she’s questioned the integrity of the November election frequently since then.

Along with 139 of her colleagues and 14 senators, she conspired to overthrow the government through an extralegal process, thereby encouraging Trump devotees to assault the Capitol, potentially kidnapping and/or murdering a lot of our elected officials, including Vice President Mike Pence.

It wasn’t until her own hide was in the sights of the mob that she changed her tune. This Joannie-come-lately about-face does not qualify her for a “red badge of courage.”

It is a profile in opportunism.

This is a sedition conspiracy and fomenting violent insurrection against the Constitution and government she swore an oath to protect and defend. That is unacceptable from any sitting government employee. She, along with all her colleagues, merits expulsion from Congress and an opportunity to face justice before the law.

Paul Franzmann

Walla Walla

Worse than 9/11

Twenty years ago this month, I volunteered and was detailed from Washington, D.C., where I was the Marine Corps faculty member at the National Intelligence University, to be the intelligence officer for the Marine Corps anti-terrorism brigade formed in response to 9/11, where I’d literally observed the actual Pentagon strike that horrendous day.

We sent a heavily reinforced specially outfitted and equipped Marine rifle company to provide security to reopen our embassy in downtown Kabul, Afghanistan, for the first time since it closed in January 1989, following the Taliban defeat of their Soviet occupiers.

I sent a hand picked-team of 12 intelligence personnel to coordinate with other national agency assets to enable the challenging protection mission for our handful of diplomats and other Americans there.

At the university, I’d taught an overview course on intelligence support to operations other than war across a gamut from arms control to insurgency to terrorism.

I had several popular guest lecturers, including the most popular, a British Royal Marine infantry lieutenant colonel who gave a three-hour graphic color slide presentation on fighting domestic terrorism in Northern Ireland, where he’d served multiple tours. How, we naive Americans thought, could people that looked like us kill one another in the name of religion or other issues driving politics?

Well, since last week we now know. For me, sadly and ashamedly, last week’s events and since are much more disturbing, frightening, and concerning than 9/11, and time for deep American soul searching.

Dan Button


Hold GOP to account

I am writing to advocate truth and accountability before any reconciliation with the members of the Republican Party who fostered the insurrectionists who tried to undo the results of November’s free and fair election of the Biden-Harris ticket. For the seditionists, Sens. Ted Cruz (Texas) and Josh Hawley (Missouri), I would like to see Senate trials followed by removal from office.

For the members of both chambers who chose to challenge without any basis in law or fact the results of November’s election, I would recommend censure and loss of floor privileges until each demonstrates he has in fact read and understood all of the U.S. Constitution they swore to protect and defend.

I challenge the Republican Party and every registered Republican to return to being the party of Lincoln, which believed in the union and fought a long war to preserve it.

Lincoln’s party ultimately condemned the practice of involuntary servitude and the concept of races of man. Lincoln’s Republican Party believed the legitimate roles of government were more than to provide a strong military and support commerce. ...

Thomas Jefferson strongly believed a nation of yeoman farmers would be able to preserve the delicate union forged after the initial confederation of states failed to provide the continuity and stability needed to promote the common good. ...

Let’s hold the liars responsible for the actions that ensued from their repeated lies. Let them atone for their past irresponsible words and actions by rededicating themselves to serve the common good. ...

Frances Thompson


Which type of conservative?

There are now three kinds of conservatives.

There are the ones who actively attack our Constitution and democracy.

Gov. Brad Little, Congressmen Russ Fulcher and Mike Simpson, and Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin all signed on to a lawsuit saying Texas had the right to throw out tens of millions of votes in other states.

Fulcher voted to throw out votes even after a Capitol policeman was beaten to death with a fire extinguisher in the attack on Congress.

There is the legislative leadership who reacted to an armed mob breaking into the Idaho Capitol by offering them a chair. Then there are the ones who ignore their oaths to defend the Constitution and remain silent. State Reps. Caroline Troy and Brandon Mitchell are prime examples. Not a peep from them after the biggest assault on the Constitution since the Civil War.

And last, there are the vanishingly rare conservatives who still have some ethics and morality. Utah Sen. Mitt Romney and Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden stood up for our democracy.

Time to decide: What kind of conservative are you?

Kurt Obermayr

Winslow, Ariz.

Finally learned her name

A few years ago, I was laying in a hospital bed with a broken hip.

It was a day or two before Christmas when one of the nursing staff asked me if I would like to receive a gift from someone.

I didn’t really need anything but I realized somebody was trying to do something nice, so I said yes.

A young lady, her friend and her mother came by later with a gift.

I was more interested in what prompted her to do such a kind act.

Her mother told me how the young girl was in the hospital a year or two before and someone had done this unselfish act for her. She was paying it forward all on her own.

The family left and I began to weep. What an angel.

I did not get her name until this year when the Lewiston Tribune printed a front-page article about Brianna Nine.

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Her gift of kindness was the best gift I have ever received.

It restored my faith in people.

Brianna Nine, you are a 10.

Lonny Erickson


Flying Trump’s flag

The rioters chanted “Hang Mike Pence” as they stormed the Capitol.

One insurrectionist is on Facebook threatening House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with a bullet to the head and running her down with his truck.

They weren’t being hyperbolic.

A functional gallows with noose was assembled on site. At least two insurrectionists brought zip-tie handcuffs with the clear intention of detaining members of Congress.

The stated intention was to eliminate ... the second and third in the line of succession to the presidency.

This is how those who fly the Donald Trump flag behave.

The insurrection was planned with the intention of delaying or halting the certification of the presidential electoral votes. Just before the riot, President Trump himself encouraged the insurrectionists and told them where to go.

This is the very definition of sedition and insurrection: federal crimes that carry a 20-year prison sentence for every individual who so much as stepped foot in the Capitol.

But the insurrectionist traitors did far worse than just set foot in the Capitol. They broke windows, broke down doors and they relieved themselves in congressional offices.

They stole property. They murdered a Capitol police officer by bludgeoning him to death with a fire extinguisher and hospitalized four other officers. One Capitol police officer was pulled out a broken window, down the Capitol steps and beaten with a flag pole flying an American flag.

This is how those who fly the Trump banner behave while at the same time referring to themselves as patriots.

Brian Rhoades


Get right with God

Many people have distanced themselves from me and others who continue to speak out about a travesty when we’re just supposed to “sit down and shut up.”

I have lost friends and made new enemies, been shadowed, restricted in my free speech rights and had my privilege to relevant information censored and banned.

You see, I have displayed the audacity to speak the pertinent truth against our ruling class — and we’re not supposed to do that.

We’re expected to appease the ruling class.

Get ready for the “great reset our globalist oligarchs have planned for us. Can you say “feudalism”?

And it’s going to get tougher as more and more folks disassociate themselves from patriots who are unwilling to accept a stolen election or the subsequent moves to suppress our freedoms. It is truly outrageous what evil deems it has a mandate to do now.

Right now, we need to hunker down and take the time to get right with God and ask him exactly what he wants us to do. I believe that he will need us to detach ourselves from the wicked world and fasten ourselves wholly to God. Only he can help us “don the armor of righteousness” and stand athwart of this insurgency of Satan.

We’re going to be called on to be brave, to be heroic Christians and to stand up and say, “No, this is not right.”

I dread to think what will happen if we allow immorality to take over completely.

Dennis Fuller


Protecting the unborn

According to Idaho Code 18-4001, “Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being including, but not limited to, a human embryo or fetus. ... ”

Thus it would appear that abortion is illegal in Idaho. However, it happens legally in Idaho because I.C.18-4016 prohibits prosecution of the persons involved.

It appears that a certain bill may be introduced in the Idaho Legislature this year, the Idaho Abortion Human Rights Act.

This bill treats the born and unborn as equal by applying the law equally so that the sanctions in place for the killing of the born also apply to the killing of the unborn, in fulfillment of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment: “Nor (shall any state) deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws”.

The concept behind this legislation is that which has been the message of the pro-life movement from the beginning: The unborn are fully human and as fully entitled to the right to life as the born. Therefore, by moral necessity, the unborn are entitled to the same protection under the law that the born receive.

Isaiah Williams


Doesn’t add up

This is truly a scary time for our nation.

Heading into the election, the Republicans held majorities in 59 state legislative bodies while the Democrats held majorities in just 39. After the November election, the Republican advantage increased to 61 while the Democrats lost majorities in both the New Hampshire state Senate and House of Representatives. It is hard to believe that the Republicans could lose both the White House and the U.S. Senate while increasing their advantage in state legislative bodies.

I’m not about to claim that the 2020 election result is fraudulent, but the vote totals seem preposterous.

Just one example is that in the 2012 presidential election, Barack Obama won that election with 62.5 million votes (50.5 percent) to Mitt Romney’s 59 million votes (48 percent). The votes cast in that election totaled 121.5 million.

Fast forward eight years: 157.8 million votes were cast; 81.3 million votes (51.3 percent) went to Joe Biden while 74 million votes (47 percent) went to Donald Trump.

Notice: 155.3 million votes in 2020 compared to 121.5 million votes in 2012; an increase of 33.8 million votes.

Some suggest that this increase is a result of population growth, but the numbers show that the U.S. population has only grown by 17 million during those years.

We are expected to believe that Biden (of all people) received 30 percent more votes than the charismatic orator Obama and an increase greater than the entire population growth of the United States during those years.

Something seems fishy.

Mike Fischer


Stale news

Let me be sure I have this right. An orange freak can attack our democracy and stomp on the freedoms that all the brave people who have ever served our country tried to preserve on a Sunday and I can read all about it in my Tuesday edition of the Lewiston Tribune.

Beacon of enlightenment you are not.

Brad Stewart


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