Unfair to Wildcats
It’s very disturbing every year to see how our northern and southern areas have always been so vengeful toward our Lapwai Wildcats and, just in general, to us Nez Perce people.
I must say the Lapwai Wildcats have always been talented teams to be reckoned with.
But, as for the Lewiston Tribune, it should be impartial to all.
Marisa Rickman
Fascism’s face
Thank you for printing Jim Roach’s letter wherein he warns about the danger of fascism espoused by so-called “patriots.”
He clearly knows what he is talking about.
Along with the points he made regarding distrust of the media, deliberate misinformation, discrimination and the militarization of the police and citizenry, I’d like to add a few more points.
One is the creation of a mythical past meant to establish an acceptable history. This is the reason that fascists in this country are fighting against teaching a true account of our nation’s history. Schools and libraries are being undermined by misinformation and censorship at every turn.
Another tactic is the merging of religion and government in order to form an “us against them” mentality — divide and conquer.
The most important point is that fascism offers no loyalty. The people it ensnares to do its dirty work are considered nothing more than “useful idiots” to them. Once they’re done with you — you guessed it — they take your guns so that you can’t rebel.
Is this really the America you want?
Patrice Yeatter
Getting fleeced
The caterwauling chorus of complaints from Lewiston taxpayers being skinned alive by property taxes should be instructive to Clarkston residents being groomed for the same fleecing.
The Clarkston School Board has loosed its marketing/advertising team on the public. Its goal: Convince us suckers we “need” a new high school building.
Not so. It would be more beneficial to actual education to dump the National Education Association and its Washington branch than to have a new, unaffordable building.
The NEA exists to line the pockets of its executives, not to improve education. Any loyalty the NEA has — and it’s minuscule — is to teachers, not to students.
Bridger Barnett
Vote yes
Lewiston patrons, on March 14 you have an opportunity to renew your support of Lewiston public schools and our community.
Please vote yes on a levy that has been in place since 1986, supports about 36% of the total school budget and is actually at a reduction for the five-year term. This levy supports career technical, music and school resource officers, just to name a few.
If March 14 doesn’t work into your schedule, early voting is available through March 10 at the Nez Perce County Courthouse.
Vote yes to keep our public schools strong and our community strong.
Wendy Larson
Since you asked
The Lewiston Tribune’s question of the week on what to do about Social Security left out other alternatives.
First and foremost is to put our members of Congress on Social Security instead of the “gravy train” retirement program they have after serving one term.
Second, contrary to Marc Johnson’s column the other day stating that Republicans have always been after your Social Security, do a little history work and you will find it’s Democrats who have done the abusing.
Wayne Vantrease
Freedom for all media
Just like when Elon Musk took over Twitter, ending the censorship imposed by Democrat operatives and allowing conservative voices to be heard again, Democrats are now crying about the Jan. 6 video tapes that will be aired by Tucker Carlson.
Democrats and their allies in the media always claim to be champions of democracy and transparency. Once again, they prove that is not the case. They prefer total control over the narrative that they create.
Apparently, Democrats, who like to set the rules for everyone, only support their media allies for broadcasting the news that’s fit to print.
Fox News should not be allowed that same freedom.
What are they afraid of? Did they, in the Jan. 6 hearings, expose and cover all of the truth?
Guess we’ll find out.
Varnel Williams