OpinionDecember 13, 2023

The truth hurts

The increasing haranguing criticism of my letters is satisfying in so many ways. It is obvious the truth hurts and is quite painful to leftists and that brings great joy to me twice a month.

The Dec 2 article, “California Republicans, not liberals, flocking to Idaho,” only reinforces and strengthens the current phenomenon of people getting fed up with the liberal bull crap destroying that beautiful state and pushing their move to a solid red state making Idaho even more conservative. Liberalism is forcing residents to flee because of the constant pressure to disarm law-abiding citizens, rising crime rates, high taxes, pronoun lunacy, and the requirement to learn the new LGBTQHSDY alphabet.

In California, the current woke crowd insist men can now get pregnant, have babies, put on panties, lipstick, pretend to be Martha on the weekends and use the girls’ restroom on demand. Los Angeles, San Francisco and many large cities around this nation run by Democrats have turned into vestibules of human waste, dirty needles and daylight business theft never before seen in our nations history.

California now has negative population growth and is running out of U-Hauls, so maybe the hard leftists unhappy with Idaho should load up those trailers and move to a state that would welcome the socialist, hardline, wacky-doodle visions of a perfect America. Liberals truly destroy everything they get ahold of.

John Webb

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After our recent natural gas outage, I am more than ever interested in getting a heat pump as a source of heating and cooling that would be more efficient, cleaner, cheaper with available subsidies and not subject to gas outages. Of course, electricity outages happen, too.

One piece of legislation that is currently being proposed to improve our electric grid is the BIG WIRES Act (H.R.5551/S.2827). It is designed to improve the ability of local grids to share power with other grids, so that if one region has an excess of power it can be shared with another region that needs power. The Citizen’s Climate Lobby webpage has information about this bill (citizensclimatelobby.org/get-loud-take-action/big-wires/#/132/) as well as easy ways to contact your members of Congress in support of the bill.

Even if you’re not considering a change from gas to electricity-sourced heating, we would all benefit from a more stable and resilient electricity grid.

Margaret Davis


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