OpinionAugust 6, 2024

DEI for the GOP

The Electoral College and U.S. Senate are “diversity, equity and inclusion” for Republicans.

Karen Ransom


Snake River still flows

In a recent Tri-City Herald article, the spokesperson for American Rivers United states, “The lower Snake River dams turned what was a free-flowing river into a series of still-water reservoirs that act like a bathtub left in the sun, continuing to increase water temperatures and exacerbating climate change through emissions of methane.”

Nothing could be further from the truth. The Snake River is still a flowing river. All of the dams are river-run dams and water comes in and water goes out continually. The problem with the temperature comes from upriver dams much more than the lower Snake dams. Water out of upriver reservoirs that flows out of Hells Canyon dam is in excess of 70 degrees. These Idaho Power-generating dams are the lifeblood of the customers ... and the people of Idaho who benefit from this want to blame the federally constructed and managed dams when the real problem of water temperature and decline in wild fish-spawning habitat is the fault of upper Snake River dams with no fish passage.

According to The Washington Post, Washington state has the cleanest carbon-free power in the nation, thanks mostly to hydroelectric generation. Take away four lower Snake River dams with six generators in each dam and only one normally in operation because of a required spill order from a judge who knows nothing about fish passage, except from those who want to kill the fish with excess gas saturation and blame the dams: What do you think the results will be?

Marvin Entel


A little too convenient?

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Am I the only person who finds the “assassination attempt” on former President Donald Trump a little too convenient? Obviously it’s fantastic for his campaign, but that’s not the only reason I’m suspicious.

Frankly, Trump, in the moment, was way too composed. Nobody who gets shot at (certainly not a man whom I assume has never even been in a fistfight) reacts with a defiant, keep fighting, fist pump. Frankly, that’s the reaction of someone who knew it was coming.

I got held at gunpoint once, and I’m not even ashamed to say my reaction was that of a deer in the headlights. That’s the only natural reaction to that kind of trauma.

I never thought I’d say this, but fake news.

The hilarious part is this: In spite of the very plausible scenario that this “assassination attempt” was complete horsesh--, coupled with the right’s willingness to embrace conspiracy theories regardless of how baseless they are (stolen election, etc), MAGA people don’t seem to have the same level of scrutiny when it comes to this. Go figure.

Jeremy Nicholson


It’s a long list

Only one political party supports and defends government dependence, 30 genders, abortion, pronouns, Hamas, Black Lives Matter extremism, victimhood, gun control, illegal immigration, diversity, equity and inclusion, kneeling during the anthem, socialism, high taxes, ID-free voting, military weakness, microaggressions, flag burning, antisemitism, government-funded sex change, men in women’s sport, speech censorship, drug legalization and energy dependence on Third World countries.

And the rest of us are “deplorable”?

James Rockwell


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