Progress on climate change
In an encouraging demonstration of bipartisanship, a group of Republican and Democratic U.S. senators in June introduced the Growing Climate Solutions Act (S. 3894). This bill would help reward climate-friendly farming and forestry practices, reduce climate change and improve soil health at the same time. I am hopeful the move signals increased congressional interest in acting on climate change and in recognizing agriculture and forestry as a critical part of the solution.
The bill and its bipartisan companion in the House (H.R. 7393) would make it easier for farmers and private forest landowners on the Palouse and elsewhere to participate in carbon credit markets and earn income from reducing carbon dioxide emissions and storing carbon in the soil. Practices such as cover cropping, farming without tillage and using diverse crop rotations also can produce higher yields and cleaner air and water.
Bill supporters include the American Farm Bureau Federation, Environmental Defense Fund, McDonalds and many other farm groups, businesses, and environmental organizations.
In the House, bipartisan climate change efforts also include the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 763), which relies on the free market to unleash innovation in the energy sector, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by at least 40 percent in the first 12 years.
Please join me in asking our members of Congress to support these and other bipartisan efforts to address climate change.
Diane Noel
Move it to the Orchards
The Nez Perce County commissioners are attempting to stuff two pounds into a one-pound bag. The new Nez Perce County courthouse belongs in the Lewiston Orchards. There is simply not enough room at the current location. Parking would be an issue for the next 100 years.
Why are the Nez Perce County commissioners so easily influenced by a handful of attorneys and others in Beautiful Historic Downtown Lewiston? They should consider what is best for all the people instead of attempting to appease the select few.
Many years ago, the Everly Brothers had a song “Wake Up Little Susie.” Should the voters tell the Nez Perce County commissioners “Wake up little Susie”?
Don Whitinger
Return to the light
Robert Mason, why do you expect Democrats to solve the world’s problems? They are not in charge and haven’t been for almost four years now. Our current problems are in President Donald Trump’s lap.
What I like about the Democratic alternative is he is not Trump.
By the way, Democrats passed a bill last month for the next stimulus check for us commoners. Republicans are still arguing about it and are afraid we poor folks are profiting too much from the extra $600 that pays the rent and puts food on the table.
These are the same Republicans who gave huge tax breaks away to the ultra-rich and corporations. How much did you get from the big tax cuts? ...
You say Democrats are “trying to undo what the voting populous selected.” You are so funny. Hillary Clinton got 3 million more popular votes then Trump did. But the Electoral College did not vote with the popular vote, which is the same reason we got George W. Bush. ...
Hillary would not have visited Kim Jung Un in North Korea. ... Trump gave Kim credibility and many photo-ops when he visited him and gave away the farm with nothing in return. ...
Trump now has sent troops to our cities and ignores this killer virus. But you probably have no problem with that, either. ...
You still won’t change your mind about Trump. You have drank the Kool-Aid and went to the dark side.
Will you ever return to the light?
Nita Mauch
Why not a flat tax?
Marty Trillhaase, I just read your July 26 editorial pointing out the inequities of taxes, specifically property taxes. Most taxes are administered differently to different people and different companies or businesses, depending on who or what they are.
I think you and I are thinking alike. Everyone should be taxed equally, no matter who they are. That can be achieved through and by a flat tax. If the tax is 10 percent and your income is $100, you pay $10. If your income is $1 million, you are taxed $100,000. It’s a simple calculation and simple collection process. There are no special deals and programs to cheapen up your tax bill.
Churches, big corporations and individuals would all be treated the same.
Another simple policy would be voting. You show your voter ID and you get to vote.
See, Marty, you and I solved another problem. The last one we solved was the selection of the University of Idaho president. That was a success. We could be a team and they could do away with most of the bureaucrats.
Gary Kendall