OpinionApril 7, 2024

Temporary democracy?

Responding to Mike Dietz’s letter (Tribune, March 24): He stated this country is not a democracy, but a republic. True, but our republic is also referred to as a representative democracy, or democracy, for short.

In this country, there is only one democracy, the laws of which are clearly expressed in our Constitution. I can only surmise the reference to two democracies is just more MAGA gobbledegook, intent on distracting Americans from the fact that Donald Trump and his actual deep-state minions have nothing positive to contribute.

I do appreciate that Mr. Dietz aptly described Trump and his MAGAs: “... The mob is easy to lead by the nose and can be counted on to vote how they want.”

How true. Just look at our Republican legislators in Boise. When they fail to march in lockstep with the Idaho Freedom Foundation, they risk being censured. Look at our representatives in Congress. One wrong move against Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz and the so-called “Freedom” Caucus, and out they go for failing to toe the party line.

To preserve our democratic republic ..., we need all voices to be heard and all votes to be counted. Here in Idaho, we need better representation in Boise; not the hand-picked candidates of the state Republican Committee, but candidates chosen by the citizens. That’s why we need to support the Open Primaries Initiative, which will guarantee full participation of the citizenry in our elections.

Voices and votes: It’s what a democracy is all about.

Patrice Yeatter


Unneeded ambivalence

Why would the Lewiston Tribune add ambivalence to the nationally reported incident in which members of a NCAA women’s basketball team were racially targeted and basically driven out of Coeur d’Alene by neo-Nazis?

The newspaper might have instead directed a reporter to interview the women who were attacked.

What is the point of printing subjective accounts from people who were not there about whether or not something happened?

Good journalism: “Firefighters Extinguish Fire. Witnesses Describe It in Detail.”

Bad journalism: “There Might Have Been A Fire. We Don’t Know For Sure, But People Who Weren’t There Express Doubts.”

What’s the point of publishing something like this?

Anne McLaughlin


Why are they hiding?

Those “drive-by” racists are cowards. If they believe their hatred is a legitimate expression of their First Amendment rights then why are they hiding in some scumhole in Blanchard, Sandpoint or Priest River?

Why don’t they come out, stand up like the tough guys they think they are and take credit for their despicable actions? At least ISIS does.

Richard Bennett


Dangerous rhetoric

I do not know Mark Sherry and I do not want to. His rhetoric is dangerous at the least and so profoundly wrong-headed that it is curious why it made the Tribune’s March 27 Opinion page.

Everyone is due an opinion, but for this entry, the Tribune should have published a disclaimer note along with it.

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The federal government should not forcibly take over the state of Texas to remove and replace their governing political and military bodies as Mark Sherry states. Gov. Abbott is not Jefferson Davis.

As for the rest of his “opinion,” Mark Sherry is a very foolish man who is clearly suffering “Joe Biden” syndrome.

Jock Demme


Speak up against hate

No longer being a regular reader of the Tribune, how ironic that I should read the March 19 paper ... . Mr. Epstein’s letter (“Genocide in Gaza”) has haunted me ever since, and not in a good way.

His first sentence disparages the nation of Israel and its leader, and twists the history of Israel in a sickening way. For example, how can one pair Israel with Nazis? If Mr. Epstein and those who believe like him knew an iota of history, they would not speak of the Israelis having an “open-air prison camp” or “open-air slaughterhouse.” Those monstrosities are the handiwork of Nazis and Hamas. And did he forget the Israelis handed the keys to the Palestinians so that they could have self-rule?

I am of the generation whose parents fought and served in World War II, my father as a volunteer for six years in the Royal Montreal Regiment and my English mother (conscripted at 17) in the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force. The ignorance of that history, in light of today’s, disparages their service ... .

The Hamas are not warriors, they are terrorists ... . Perhaps it’s time to realign your thinking, recognize what is really going on and stop being a mouthpiece for Hamas.

While my reaction to the letter was pretty visceral, having read Eric Metaxas’ books (biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and “Letter to the American Church”), I am put in the position both men cite, which is to speak up against ignorance and hate.

Frances Rotter


Border never closes

Joe Biden’s phony “Border Security Bill” served its purpose, at least with one local writer. Write a bill so bad that House Republicans are sure not to pass it, then blame them for not wanting to secure the border.

Even though Biden can reverse his executive orders that reversed Donald Trump’s and opened the border, Biden never accepts fault or responsibility for his actions. He and his administration are blatantly breaking our immigration laws.

Trump advised Republicans not to vote for this sham of a bill and, wisely, they didn’t. The $118 billion bill included: $65 billion for Ukraine; allows 5,000 illegals to enter the U.S. daily and more if they go through ports of entry; fast tracks amnesty for illegals; and allows Biden the sole authority to override the provisions of the bill.

There is more, but you get the phoniness of the “Biden Security Bill” from hell. In essence, the border never closes.

This was just another election stunt because Biden is losing on this issue. And deservedly so.

Varnel Williams


Fulcher is great

Russ Fulcher is our great 1st District Idaho congressman. Russ has proven he will do what the people of Idaho require.

His experience in the Idaho Legislature and in business has helped him in Washington, D.C. Russ has fought hard for the life of the unborn and stood for your 2nd Amendment rights and upholds our Constitution.

Russ is a member of the House Freedom Caucus in Washington, D.C., fighting against Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat-controlled House. With the House and Senate potentially changing in November, more will be accomplished to fix the economy and the southern border problem and saving our dams.

Russ is devoted to going back to Washington, D.C., to tackle the problems and, as a constitutional conservative, will help Idaho stay strong and independent.

Rebecca Crea


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