OpinionApril 28, 2021

COVID-19’s enablers

It still amazes me that there are people who consider COVID-19 a scam. They are the very people who want to have life back to normal. Yet they are the same people who object to simple things such as mask wearing, social distancing and vaccination. These are the tools that will help us get back to normal.

Take Ted Nugent: He called more than 500,000 deaths from COVID-19 bulls**t, said that COVID-19 is a hoax, refused to wear a mask and exercise common-sense actions and now he’s got COVID-19.

He says he’s never felt so sick in his life.

In the U.S., we have had almost a 16 percent increase in the age-adjusted death rate in 2020.

The fact that there were fewer deaths from the flu is due to more people getting the flu vaccine and more people wearing masks. So vaccines and masks work to reduce the spread of the flu as it does for COVID-19.

It is reported that more red states either didn’t have a mask mandate or removed it — or worse yet, like Idaho, are considering bans on local governments and school districts from mandating masks.

More Republican men decided they do not want to get vaccinated. So the very people and states that want to return to normal are doing all they can to let COVID-19 run wild, mutate and perhaps create a variant that will transmit better and get more people, perhaps even younger people, sick.

Charlotte Omoto


Blame China, not Trump

I don’t understand Joan Vanhorn’s obsession with former President Donald Trump. She writes untrue allegation about him as if they were occurring now. It is not true that Trump is responsible for the deaths of 551,252 Americans; China is.

It was Trump who recognized the danger of the coronavirus and took steps to mitigate the problem. What were Vanhorn and the Democratic Party doing? They were busy trying to impeach Trump.

It was Trump who sent hospital ships and military tents to states that needed them.

It was Trump who appointed Anthony Fauci to head a task force to stop the virus.

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What did Vanhorn and the Democratic Party do? They continued to try and impeach Trump.

Now Vanhorn and the Democratic Party try to come across as the saviors of the day. It is a little too late.

Vanhorn asks why the families of those who died do not sue Trump for his negligence. That is because Trump did not cause the COVID-19 virus; China did.

What I do not understand is why we as a people do not take action against China. More than 566,000 people are dead because of the Wuhan virus. Yet we continue to do nothing about it.

David Estes


There they go again

Liberal Democrats are again attempting another infringement of our constitutionally guaranteed, personal right to keep and bear arms. Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., and Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman, D-N.J., have introduced legislation to ban the sale and possession of firearm noise suppressors, also known as “silencers,” notwithstanding those devices are already strictly controlled by federal law.

Sens. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., Cory Booker, D-N.J., Ed Markey, D-Mass., and Alex Padilla, D-Calif., are co-sponsors of the legislation.

Apparently one such device was used in a 2019 crime. News reports did not indicate whether that suppressor was legally purchased, stolen or homemade. In fact, purchasing a silencer is as difficult as buying a machine gun.

A mugshot, finger prints and a complete background check by the FBI are necessary to purchase either. Many of our senators and congressmen cannot pass the qualifications.

Yet, 332,484,409 law-abiding citizens would be denied their constitutional rights because of a single law breaker.

Menendez claims: “Gun silencers are dangerous devices with one purpose and one purpose only — to muffle the sound of gunfire from unsuspecting victims.”

In fact, target shooters and hunters use them simply to protect their ears from damaging noise when other protection is not practical. Simultaneously, the Democrats have begun the process of stacking the Supreme Court with four more liberal justices with the intent of gutting both the First and Second Amendments. Our liberty, freedoms and the Constitution itself are in dire danger if the Democrats succeed with these dastardly plans.

Kenneth Alexander


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