OpinionApril 24, 2021

Fake news then and now

While watching Ken Burns’ latest work on Ernest Hemingway, a clip of NBC News anchor Edwin Newman was of particular interest.

Newman reported Hemingway’s death was from an accidental gunshot and that the writer had recently been released from the Mayo Clinic, where he had been treated for high blood pressure. Both were lies — untruths — but reported as factual.

I humbly offer that NBC (and most of the rest of the media) has continued to deal in such falsehoods from that time to now. ...

Concerning Hemingway, it was suicide — not an accident — and he was being treated at Mayo for mental health issues. ...

Today NBC and most mainstream media outlets do not report that the vast majority of those who die of COVID-19 have underlying conditions — comorbidities. Some were just assumed to have the virus. Critical information, don’t you think? ...

Further, if you knew of the many connections between major media outlets and the Democratic Party, you wouldn’t trust anything they spew. Investigate it for yourself.

If there is an alternate view, media (especially the Associated Press ) gives it the “unfounded,” “baseless” or “debunked” label and you are supposed to forget about it. If you don’t, you are labeled a conspiracy theorist, a nut or even a racist. This concerns everything from President Joe Biden to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen.

While the Hemingway example is completely unrelated, the point is: What you see, hear and read is likely tilted or completely false. Think for yourself. ...

Greg Billups


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Backs Giddings’ bill

Various corporate franchises are touting their plans for a vaccine passport. This passport will be awarded to the patrons who go along with whatever the medical elites recommend. ...

They are recommending that all need to get the current experimental COVID-19 vaccine, no exceptions.

Since when do corporate elites get to dictate medical decisions? If they can do this, what else will they be requiring? Govs. Ron DeSantis of Florida and Greg Abbott of Texas are not putting up with the vaccine passport plan, and have set in motion plans to protect their citizens. ...

They are not going to allow Floridians and Texans to be segregated into the haves and the have nots. ...

Enter Idaho Gov. Brad Little. He quickly sewed on a fig leaf and called it good. His plan will allow for the segregation of Idahoans in most instances because his plan cannot guarantee that individuals would be able to acquire common life-sustaining goods and services available to the public.

Most hospitals, airlines and other such businesses receive government funding and are hybrids, not private businesses. These public-private partnerships will be the ones who will have the ability to segregate the masses. ...

Rep. Priscilla Giddings has a plan that needs to be acted upon.

She is not going to let these public-private partnerships withhold life-sustaining goods and services from Idaho citizens. Call your representatives now and demand to give her House Bill 140 a hearing.

Finally, let Little know that you are on to him.

Diane Wheeler


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