OpinionApril 24, 2022

Do your homework

... The wholesale buy-in and spreading of false campaign rhetoric has reached a fever pitch and we are still a month away from the primary election. ...

If you really want fair elections, it means that you are going to have to do some research and fact-checking before you forward that email or share the latest social media ad or post. ...

You must be willing to honestly evaluate candidates on their own merits and ability to do the job, not on their ability to assassinate an opponent’s character. If all you see is a smear campaign, step back and ask yourself: Why someone who is capable of being the kind of leader Idaho needs can’t successfully win an election without demonizing his opponent. Do your own homework, people.

There is a huge difference between the “far-right” and “conservative Republicans,” although many want you to believe they are the same. Don’t be fooled by those who have hijacked the word “conservative” in an effort to discredit proven leaders with the personal integrity needed to govern this great state.

If you want Idaho to continue to be the freest and least regulated state, please do your research and join me in supporting:

l Brad Little for governor.

l Scott Bedke for lieutenant governor.

l Phil McGrane for secretary of state.

l Raul Labrador for attorney general.

l Debbie Critchfield for superintendent of public instruction

l Carl Crabtree for state Senate.

Idaho is better than this negative political garbage. Let’s elect leaders with the demonstrated values we need.

Skip Brandt


McCann is a RINO

District 6 voters, Lori McCann is not running for “reelection.” She has never appeared on a ballot. She was appointed by Gov. Brad Little in an unclear process. Can you say backroom deal?

McCann is not a conservative patriot.

McCann believes her constituents are willing to pay more in taxes.

McCann says she has a “conservative side.” What is the other side?

McCann believes “there is such a misconception about what critical race theory is.”

McCann stated teaching of CRT in colleges and universities are “unconfirmed allegations,” according to the Jan. 13 Clearwater Progress.

McCann is supported by the Idaho Education Association, which has sponsored the following training events for Idaho teachers:

l “Restorative Justice: Its Roots and How to Use it in the Classroom,” a two-day course generating one credit at Idaho State University.

l “Creating Safe Spaces – LGBTQ+ Students and Parents,” which generates one credit at ISU.

l “R2 — Equity in Education Training.” Participants are given resources from Race Forward, which is about “shifting power, changing policies and practices, and transforming values and culture,” according to RaceForward.org.

Lori McCann is a Republican in name only (RINO).

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Vote for a true conservative patriot, Claudia Dalby, for state representative, District 6 (Latah, Lewis and Nez Perce counties).

Lisa Reynaldo


Supporting the seniors

The board of the Grangeville Senior Center would like to thank the Innovia Foundation for its generous grant in support of our senior meals program. Last year, we provided almost 18,000 meals to seniors and those with disabilities. This work would not be possible without the support of organizations such as the Innovia Foundation.

Thank you.

Shireene Hale

Secretary, Grangeville Senior Center Board of Directors


Mean-spirited responses

My April 17 letter opposing financial profiteers taking advantage of Ukraine drew some notable online comments. Brian Kolstad posted, “Hennigan would have given aid and comfort to the Nazis during WW2 just as he is giving aid and comfort to the Russians destroying and raping Ukraine. But what do I know?”

Good question, Brian. Perhaps you’d like to explain here how demanding Ukraine’s creditors forgive Ukraine debt gives aid and comfort to Russia.

Of course, knowing I’m a Jew, Kolstad might simply have sought to hurt me by saying I’d help Jew-killers.

That would put Kolstad in the same category as the cowardly comment by someone posting as “Ish Kabibble.”

“Ish” thinks I could benefit from enduring food shortages.

Kolstad admonished “Ish” for fat-shaming me but his defacto Jew-baiting is hardly better.

I’ve been recalling Don Henley’s “The Heart of the Matter,” as our nation grows ever more divided:

“These times are so uncertain

“There’s a yearning undefined

“And people filled with rage

“We all need a little tenderness

“How can love survive in such a graceless age.”

Brian, Ish, you’re forgiven for your mean-spirited comments past, present and future. I know I’m guilty of making such about both of you in the past. I hope you’ll forgive me.

Like Jules Winnfield in “Pulp Fiction,” I’m trying to be the shepherd.

No matter how you two proceed, I’ll be writing letters for as long as the Lewiston Tribune and I are around. God willing, that’ll be a good, long time.

Thomas A. Hennigan


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