OpinionApril 18, 2021

Democratic hypocrites

... I can’t resist responding to the idea presented on these pages that requiring an ID to vote is somehow racist.

Everything of importance that we do in America requires us to prove who we are. Voting is arguably the most important.

Claiming that this is an impediment to some is insane unless, of course, you refer to those who are not legal voters, are deceased or to those who like to vote early and often.

Perhaps the writer thinks people of color are less able or are disinclined to acquire an ID. ...

Those who think this way are the actual racists.

The writer continued with accusations of Republican cheating and even questioned confirmed election results while vilifying Republicans for questioning obvious and blatant discrepancies. Liberal hypocrisy is rampant and actually defines the Democratic Party. They constantly contradict their own views. I’d be happy to give you many examples. Their selective indignation is ugly and ignorant.

Calling foul on a state for requiring voter ID (the vast majority of states require it) while endorsing 16 year olds voting, felons and illegals voting, open borders allowing more illegal voting, ballot harvesting, adding liberal Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico as states and packing the Supreme Court is hypocrisy at its worst. Our republic cannot survive without election integrity.

The left claims to “follow the science.” Mathematics is more objective than science. If they were honest they would see that many of the last presidential election results are statistically impossible. Follow that.

Greg Billups


Where is Fish and Game ?

The Idaho Fish and Game Commission and Fish and Game Department are required by Idaho law to preserve, protect, perpetuate and manage the fish and wildlife of the state. The commission is to investigate and find facts regarding the status of the state’s wildlife populations in order to give effect to the policy of the state. ( Idaho code 36-103, 104 )

There is no evidence that this scientific information was provided to the Legislature prior to the recent passage of Senate Joint Memorial 103, opposing Rep. Mike Simpson’s plan to save Idaho’s salmon and steelhead.

There is scant evidence that Idaho Fish and Game has provided up-to-date scientific evidence to the Idaho public regarding the dismal plight of our fish.

In fact, there appears to be a gag order on providing such critical information.

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Without ready availability to the scientific data, how can the governor, the Legislature or the public make informed decisions concerning our fish?

Again this year, there will be no fishing season for spring chinook salmon on the Clearwater and much of the Snake River.

2021 is a fifth consecutive year of terrible returns of these fish to our Idaho waters.

We are losing our spring chinook and our steelhead are close behind.

We cannot allow Idaho Fish and Game to remain silent.

Keith E. Carlson


Peddling crackpot ideas

Stuffy minds coupled with big egos and unlimited funds can breed dangerous and outlandish beliefs. Witness the Harvard-inspired and Bill Gates-sponsored research for “geo-engineering” our planet to dim the sun in the name of the climate crisis. The idea is to spray calcium carbonate dust into the atmosphere to form a particulate shield that would reflect sunlight away from the Earth.

What could possibly go wrong? Mostly the wasting of billions more on Chicken Little-doomsday fears of calamity where there is actually no evidence that man-caused climate change is an “existential threat.”

But our elite scientists want to prevent a (supposed) climate catastrophe by creating a very real climate disaster.

Remember here, too, that the Earth experiences recorded cycles of 100,000 years of glacial periods followed by 12,000 years of warmer interglacial eras and the last glacial phase was about 12,000 years ago. We are actually due, and many climatologists are predicting another impending Ice Age. And now genius Bill Gates wants to make it worse.

His new found love of geo-engineering — the idea that massive aspects of our ecosystem can be played with or changed — has geo-political consequences apparently not considered, such as how will Russians feel about making their already cold country even colder. Might they consider that an act of war?

I’m sure there is enough international opposition to this lunacy to forestall any real attempts. The Harvard researchers know this, too. But as long as they can get money from crackpot billionaires, they will peddle crackpot ideas.

Dennis Fuller


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