Exposing HR 1
HR 1 For The People Act cuts state voter ID. You just sign that you are the voter. And the election officials must not question the legality.
If they do, they can be subject to prosecution.
This would allow people to walk into multiple counties/states and vote multiple times.
Anyone wanting to be put on a permanent absentee ballot system just has to request it once and it will be sent with every election.
There’s the possibility of millions of ballots being mailed to wrong residences and those ballots could fall into the hands of people who have already voted.
The bill requires states to put people in automatic voter registration so every state agency you deal with or have an interaction with — such as the division of motor vehicles or a university — has to register you to vote without asking you.
This will lead to multiple registrations of the same person in different states. Non-citizens will be eligible to vote.
All this opens up for voter fraud.
They want to register 16 year olds.
There will be mail-in voting for 10 days. This ballot rule allows people to vote outside their precinct.
The provision called “Stand By Every Ad Act” would stop campaign dollars from covering any form of advertising over the internet.
Article 2, Section 1 says states decide their election laws. HR 1 nullifies that.
The election laws are nationalized. ...
What could go wrong?
And thank you, Jim Emmert of Kamiah, for exposing the power grab.
Rose Bunch
Cheers to both
Two letters stood out on April 6. Cheers are in order.
Cheers to Danny Radakovich and Jess Stone. Both made good points.
Radakovich opposed adulterating the Idaho initiative process — Cheers.
Stone used a broader canvas, asserting that the current White House occupant has “... been sworn in repeatedly” to federal offices and “... has yet to honor the oath for these offices.”
Stone said China Joe’s “... repeated failure to honor his oath of office simply means he is a domestic enemy of our Constitution”— rousing Cheers.
As to dishonoring oaths of office, Bill Clinton, Peter Strzok, John Brennan, Andrew McCabe, James Comey, William Barr, Barack Obama, George Bushes (both) — the list is long. Dishonoring oaths is a sad tradition.
We the people should hold them to their oaths and dump those who dishonor their oaths — and betray their constituents.
Bridger Barnett
Expertise is earned
Experts are a thing, and you probably aren’t one of them.
We all know and recognize that other people know more about certain subject matter than we know ourselves. But what makes someone claim he knows more than a virologist when it comes to the pandemic? Or that he knows more than a lifelong climate scientist does about the climate? Or that he knows more about salmon recovery than a scientist who’s studied the issue his whole adult life? And what makes someone think a man who claimed bankruptcy five times and bankrupted multiple casinos could be qualified to be president?
The people who would claim they know more about SARS COV2 than a virologist recommending a face mask in public, deny climate change and think a failed person like former President Donald Trump is qualified for anything all have one thing in common: They all tell themselves they are smarter than everyone else around them when in reality they are demonstrating they are not.
These are the people who, upon being informed they needed brain surgery, would immediately contact their preferred auto mechanic for advice and schedule their surgery.
Experts are a thing. The people who deny their expertise in favor of childish, politically motivated arrogance are demonstrating how unqualified they are to make any assessment regarding anything in this world.
Now we have these same people claiming voter fraud after the most secure election in American history, doing everything they can to ensure their ignorance prevails over reality.
Brian Rhoades
Election theft
Regarding the 2020 election:
l A Michigan state Court of Claims judge ruled the secretary of state was in violation of the state Administrative Procedures Act regarding lack of signature verification on absentee ballots.
l Justices in Dade County, Wis., ruled county officials and the governor didn’t have the authority to tell “homebound” voters they could skip ID requirements.
lA Virginia judge ruled in favor of a state law against accepting ballots without postmarks that arrive after Election Day.
HR 1 is an attempt to legalize nationally many of the strategies the left used before, during and after the Nov. 3 election. So logic would say that those strategies must have been illegal (or unconstitutional) if they want them to be legal now. Therefore, if illegal, as the aforementioned decisions indicate, that would constitute cheating, thus stealing an election.
HR 1 uses the excuse that people of color are being denied the chance to vote by requiring voter ID.
I see people of color driving vehicles, cashing checks, flying, picking up tickets at “Will Call” and checking out library books. All of these require identification.
So could someone please explain to me how it is that people of color are unable to secure ID in order to vote? My wife is a person of color and she has had no problems.
It seems to me that the person who presumes a whole group of people to be so totally helpless for such a simple task is the real racist.
Bruce Crossfield
Send them home
The 16,000 children who the Biden administration has locked up along our southern border is a disgrace.
If the Democratic Party and its members in Congress had any morals, President Joe Biden would be arrested and impeached. The charges:
l Violation of the United States immigration laws.
l Conspiring with illegal groups (the Mexican drug cartels) to engage in illegal drug sales in the United States.
l Facilitating sexual assault on minor children and dependent women.
l Distribution of disease in violation of quarantine ordinances.
l Failure to humanely house and feed the incarcerated.
And the list goes on.
There is an easy, simple solution to this disgraceful Biden-created chaos. Use the trillions earmarked for infrastructure and not for tax reduction that are aimed at tying all of us to the dictatorship of the federal government and buy bus tickets for the thousands of children and send them home to their parents.
Jess Stone
Learn the truth
All those who write knee-jerk reactions, who arrogantly dispel the good Dr. Richard Eggleston, sound like you watch the evening news instead of picking up a book and delving into the subject.
I feel vaccine companies that are in bed with the government are a conflict of interest.
A person has to want to be educated, not just be fed the news. How many books have you read this year? And I don’t mean novels.
How long will it be before the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the World Health Organization tell us the actual numbers of COVID-19 deaths? Will you be able to handle the truth? We know they were paid to count all deaths as COVID-19.
Every Friday, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System reports on the increases of deaths and adverse reactions reported to the COVID-19 vaccinations. Being a voluntary system, that most Americans are probably not aware of, the numbers may be lower than actual.
“Today’s data show that between Dec. 14, 2020 and April 1, a total of 56,869 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 2,342 deaths — an increase of 93 over the previous week — and 7,971 serious injuries, up 245 over the same time period,” according to the Children’s Health Defense.
Why would you be willing to play Russian roulette with your life and health or those of your loved ones?
Learn how to do your own research. Hint: it’s not on the television.
B.J. Sandusky
Values higher education
How do the latest attacks on so-called “social justice” programs in Idaho colleges and universities help Idahoans? Despite widespread COVID-19 closures this past year, Idaho higher education stayed open and held in-person classes, remote live classes on Zoom and online courses to serve all Idahoans by ensuring their access to college education.
In fact, most Idahoans value our higher education institutions. Drive to any part of this great state, and you will see college and university banners waving proudly on people’s front doors and propped in storefronts of local businesses. How peculiar to think that the concepts of social justice, an integral part of higher education for generations, is now viewed as the root of Idaho’s problems. I doubt Idahoans buy it.
Let’s look at some real issues such as our state’s rock-bottom minimum wage that has been stuck for more than a decade at $7.25 an hour.
Do you think this affects Idaho’s families? What does this pitiful, state minimum wage say about how much these same legislators value Idaho working families?
If I didn’t know any better, I might think these new anti-social justice crusaders don’t value the people and public institutions that generate actual economic prosperity for our state.
Leontina Hormel