OpinionApril 13, 2020

Trump puts Trump first

Finally the truth about President Donald Trump’s support for hydroxycholoriquine is being revealed, thanks to an honest press.

It turns out that Michael Cohen (now convicted) accepted cash from Novartis, the world’s largest manufacturer of this drug, and funneled at least $1.2 million to Trump.

The link to the Newsweek article is : https://www.newsweek.com/michael-cohen-donald-trump-novartis-twitter-covid-19-1496291.

To those who would as they always try to do declare this is “fake news,” I would advise you respectfully that facts beat fiction or misinformation every time.

Trump has been touting this drug for more than a week as a possible treatment despite the medical community’s warning of severe side effects. But it seems that once again our corrupt and self-serving president is putting himself and his money ahead of all Americans.

Jennifer Walker


Where does Thyra live?

Do you personally know an elected Republican official in Nez Perce County? If you do, tell them you want to have an off the record conversation and ask them a simple question: Where has Rep. Thyra Stevenson been living this past year?

She put her house in Nezperce up for sale last year and has been staying in Washington state, just upriver from Asotin. There’s even a Washington address and landline with her voicemail.

When I say she put her house up for sale, I mean she completely removed everything and moved out. When the story went viral online and she was challenged on this, Stevenson claimed her completed empty house was still her “primary residence.” But she wouldn’t dare say if that is where she has been staying for all these months.

Translation: She found a legal loophole so that she didn’t have to resign from the Legislature.

Sadly, if you have this off the record conversation with a Republican elected official, you will hear that there was much frustration about where she was actually living but there was nothing that could be done.

Stevenson has earned a tough opponent in the primary this year and has made the political calculation that perhaps she should have an actual place in the district and just moved back.

Legislative District 6 needs change and conservative Republican Aaron von Ehlinger will deliver that change. He is an Army combat veteran, substitute teacher, real estate investor and straight talker.

He will serve us well.

Danny Santiago


New Yorkers are people

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Rick Rogers, I read your commentary from time to time and often find your tendency toward ad hominin attacks distasteful but I try to look past them to explore your alternative view.

Unfortunately, your most recent opinion piece goes beyond mere name-calling in a manner that I feel compelled to bring to your attention and more importantly the attention of others who read and edit your commentary.

To be specific, in discussion of New York’s current situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic, you referred to the people of New York as earthworms, thus dehumanizing 8 million people so that you can dismiss the reality of their deaths and justify your opinion that current reporting is hysterical and the real danger is economic.

That is not the reality. These are real people losing their lives. They are not earthworms who are beneath contempt or without dignity.

Dehumanization is a rationalization that we use when we want to harm our fellow human beings.

It is the bedrock of human atrocities, including war, genocide, slavery and racism.

It does not support your opinion; it just builds on your rhetorical style that depends more on attacking people than reason. Your opinions may have merit but the manner in which you convey them is lower than an earthworm’s belly.

Ed Hale


Defends Trump

During the 1950s, my father, mother, myself, a brother and a sister all chopped cotton, hoed weeds, picked fruit and picked up potatoes alongside African Americans and Mexicans, and there was never a problem. I respected the Mexicans because they could always out-work me and even taught me how to be more productive.

This generation of commies, want-everything-for-free, spoiled brats really irritate me.

The grocery shelves have been bare from all of them buying tons of stuff to prevent anyone else from getting it. They and this rag of a newspaper are great ones to denigrate President Donald Trump and jump on every little nuance, 24/7.

He has had to fight every day to try to help the people who try to hurt him.

This newspaper would have been properly used if we ran out of toilet paper to clean our butts.

The ink may have stained your backside, but all of you racist criers could be like Elizabeth Warren and say you were part black.

Yes, Trump is human and can make mistakes. But compared to the black mouthpiece of George Soros, ex-Vice President Joe Biden building an illegal financial nest or Killery Clinton, he is a wonderful president.

Jobs are coming back to America under his watch and until this COVID-19 scare, we have really prospered.

Shut up, you evil cake holes.

Roy Dotson


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