Dam removal no panacea
To date, the arguments favoring dam removal seem to be just so much pseudo-science.
I want to see a report of the trends Canada is experiencing in their free-flowing rivers. If their fish counts parallel ours, then the problem lies elsewhere, and not here locally. I concede the dams have an impact, but not to the extent we are led to believe. Removing them is not the panacea it is claimed to be.
If the dams are breached, I foresee:
l Shorelines littered with lost fishing tackle, rusted hooks and whatever else the river may give up.
l Having to walk from the nearest road across mud flats that, in time, fill in with snake- and tick-infested brush.
l Any attempt at shoreline development by a private entity will meet prompt opposition from environmental groups. Currently in place are a number of easements addressing flowage, inundation, slumps and wildlife riparian areas. These are not recorded in county records but maintained in a central Army Corps of Engineers vault and filed by river mile. Other lands were purchased in fee specifically for wildlife habitat.
Jack Waldemarson
Simpson’s oath of office
The events of Jan. 6, 2021, were nothing more than the attempted violent overthrow of the government of the United States and the attempted assassination of the vice president of the United States and the speaker of the House of Representatives.
Congressman Mike Simpson has raised his arm to the square and taken the sacred oath of office at least a dozen times to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. Notice the words defend and protect and domestic.
On Jan. 6, Congressman Simpson was running and hiding from the mob. When the impeachment hearing was held against Donald Trump, Mike voted to acquit the very man who planned and lead the riot. Now Mike has given his full endorsement to Donald Trump, who wants to be our next president.
Mike Simpson has failed to protect or defend the constitution. Mike has violated his sacred oath of office.
Mike no longer deserves to represent the people of Idaho and our great state. Time to vote him out.
Blair Moncur
Idaho Falls