Legislative hypocrisy
Republicans in the Idaho Legislature, along with the state’s Department of Education, are promoting biblical curriculum in public schools. Many members of the Legislature tout their Christian affiliation.
At the same time, legislators want to cut Medicaid coverage for more than 85,000 working poor residents. They oppose accepting education dollars for preschool and reject funding for a summer meal program for low-income families. Several years’ discussions on repeal of the grocery sales tax has brought no relief to Idahoans.
Will the “savings” from undoing taxpayer-approved Medicaid expansion be spent on vouchers for private schools, which will be attended by mostly affluent families’ children already in private school? We are told families can choose their schools, but cannot have access to many books the legislators oppose.
Jesus said we should welcome the stranger, feed the hungry and help the sick (paraphrased from Matthew 25: 37-45).
Can you hear Fred Rogers’ voice asking, “Can you say hypocrisy?”
L.J. Ross
Medicaid expansion
A young wife and mom, married with two delightful children, became seriously ill with COVID-19. She was admitted to a local hospital, but her infection worsened to the acute respiratory distress syndrome stage. She was transferred to Kootenai Health in Coeur d’Alene as it had the medical staff and equipment to treat her. After weeks of treatment, she recovered enough to return home. Fortunately, Medicaid expansion covered her treatments, and the family did not walk away with a medical debt of six digits.
In 2018, the Medicaid Expansion Initiative passed with 61% of Idaho voters and a majority of voters in 35 counties. In a more recent survey (2023), 73% of Idaho voters opposed repealing Medicaid expansion.
Rep. John Vander Woude, R-Nampa, introduced House Bill 58 to repeal Medicaid expansion. Should HB58 pass, 90,062 Idahoans will lose their access to affordable health care. These neighbors and citizens will find themselves in medical bankruptcy and making “GoFundMe” requests. Idaho clinics and hospitals will be forced to cut back on services with the possibility of closures. Finally, Idaho will lose $1.1 billion in funding.
I am asking you to personally email Reps. Cornel Rasor (CRasor@house.idaho.gov), Jordan Redman (JRedman@house.idaho.gov) and Lori McCann (LMcCann@house.idaho.gov) stating your support for Medicaid expansion. If not opposed, Idahoans will lose quality medical coverage and clinics and hospitals will be forced to cut back on services or closures.
Vickie Fadness
Fear as a tactic
At 2 p.m. Jan. 27, KOZE-FM presented ABC News, which bleated hysterically about threats of immigration raids intimidating illegals to the point that they would not go to work or visit friends. The newscaster advised listeners that the government is “ruling by fear.”
Fear tactics are exactly how the government treated citizens during COVID-19.
The Tribune engaged quack Marty “Doctor” Trillhaase to order readers to “get the shot.” Considering the quack’s advice and the Tribune’s bias against actual Dr. Richard Eggleston, no stampede occurred.
Fear has been, and continues to be, government’s principal motivating tactic since time immemorial.
Bridger Barnett