OpinionFebruary 4, 2025

Ukraine war continues

Day 1 of Donald Trump’s second term has come and gone and yet the war in Ukraine still rages on. Who would have thought that someone of Trump’s great personal character, someone who was hand-picked by God herself, would deceive the American people like that.

What’s next? Mexico won’t be paying for the wall after all?

Kevin Devereaux


Agenda vs. the facts

In his Jan. 18 Lewiston Tribune letter, John Hull accuses Marvin Dugger of reaching a wrong conclusion and using “outdated data” concerning the harmful effects of dams on anadromous fish. In the process Mr. Hull makes some erroneous conclusions of his own.

First, Mr. Hull claims “Dugger forgot to mention” that only 2,947 of the 755,000 sockeye counted at Bonneville made it past Lower Granite Dam, and that fact shouldn’t be used to claim dams “do not harm anadromous fish.”

Dugger stated, quite unmistakably, the 755,000 sockeye crossed the nine dams on the Columbia on their way to spawn, not the four lower Snake River dams. Secondly, Dugger never claimed “dams do not harm anadromous fish.” In actuality, 491,000 sockeye crossed Wells Dam, the last dam before Okanogan Lake, in 2024.

Some facts Mr. Hull may want to consider are these: In 2024, 268,356 anadromous fish, excluding shad and lamprey, crossed Ice Harbor Dam, the first of the four lower Snake River dams. In 2024, 256,772 anadromous fish, also excluding shad and lamprey, crossed Lower Granite Dams the last of the ... dams. That means 95.7% of those fish successfully made their way over the four lower Snake River dams in 2024. No one knows the demise of the remaining 4.3% ... .

In conclusion, Mr. Hull shouldn’t let his personal agenda cloud the recorded facts concerning the effect of the lower Snake River dams on anadromous fish runs. He might also tell our readers what “outdated data” Dugger used.

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Dick Sherwin


Thiessen had it wrong

Au contraire, Mssr. Marc Thiessen. Your feeble stab (Tribune, Jan. 5) at discrediting President Joe Biden was laughable, whose legislative successes dwarfed Donald Trump’s first-term nothingburger. King Donald had one: “Operation Warp Speed.” Yet, he says COVID-19 was the “sniffles.” His misnamed “tax reform” plan was supposed to include $4,000 dollars “minimum,” for Americans. Instead, it turned farcical. Trump, rich elites and corporate executives were the lone beneficiaries of this scam.

Forward, into the past.

10. Arming Israel: Biden correctly slowed arming a genocidal butcher, whose hatred of Palestinians is so great, he turned the entire Gaza strip into rubble. 9. Green energy costs. The reality of the climate change “hoax” will be costly. 8. The International Criminal Court are cowards. Benjamin Netanyahu deserves prison. 7. Pardoning power: All presidents give questionable pardons, including your demigod. 6. Yes, Biden has cognitive decline. Ignoring Trump’s cognitive decline displays your own. 5. Biden pardoned his son. So? Trump pardoned 1,500 convicted maniacs for the Jan. 6 rebellion. 4. Everyone knows executions are more expensive than jail time. 3. True. Calling Trump supporters “garbage” was kind. 2. Correct. 1. Strategizing the Ukraine war was never for Biden. Volodymyr Zelenskyy must decide how to plan against Donald’s “genius” pal.

Thiessen’s opinion omitted Biden’s legislative success, which helped everyone. Trump’s “everyone” includes himself, billionaire cronies/cabinet and Wall Street.

King Trump is inheriting a good economy, not the “disaster” he bloviates.

In fact, Peter Baker of The New York Times wrote economic conditions are very good.

Jim Roach


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