Fighting drug battle
Drug and crime issues are out of control, not only in our community but in many others. I will continue to work for local solutions, but my New Year’s “resolution” is as follows.
The uncomfortable truth is that our nation is under assault. How can drug addiction treatment programs be successful when the supply of all drugs is endless and out of control? We have become a drug-enabling culture. Legalizing drugs encourages the use and addiction that’s killing our young people. It’s not only the addiction issue but also related crime. Cartels, gangs and children who are lost to human trafficking. We should be horrified.
We need to mobilize and organize every law enforcement resource, our National Guard as well as active duty military to rid our country of these threats. There are those who will fight against any effort to remove this threat and end the drug-dependent culture that they encourage. That’s unacceptable.
We’re all justifiably frustrated with the lack of government action. It’s a personal issue. It’s our children and their future. It’s the destroyed lives of those we see living on our streets. We would like to see changes that truly make a difference in these lives, not just lip service when it’s convenient politically.
The bottom line of this “real truth” is that no matter how much effort we put into helping individuals on a personal level, the supply must be stopped. Drug addiction is a lifetime battle. And we currently aren’t winning.
Jack Worle