Dam removal plan
Now that the Republicans have complete control, we should see the party of fiscal responsibility and government efficiency make some real strides.
One of their own, our own Congressman Mike Simpson, has identified a dandy piece of low-hanging fruit and has even provided a cost-effective plan for it: removal of the four lower Snake River dams.
These dams produce about 4% of the region’s power mostly at a time of year when it is not needed; now even more so because of climate change. These dams have reached their life expectancy, resulting in ever-increasing maintenance, repair and operating costs. It’s that end-of-life thing.
The cost/benefit ratio displayed by these four dams is, well, damning; they never have penciled out. Furthermore, the Port (or should we say “Pork”) of Lewiston, made possible by these dams, has been kept afloat by taxpayer/ratepayer subsidies.
Current estimates reveal that each barge leaving Lewiston carries with it a $40,000 subsidy. None of this is fiscally responsible or efficient. Not to mention that we the people have been bilked out of $26 billion spent on faux salmon recovery actions, all resulting from the construction and operation of these lower Snake River dams.
Something easy for the first 100 days, no?
David Cannamela