Not a good look
Recently, I was watching the Spokane news and the coverage of all the rioting taking place in our America. I understand the motivation for peaceful demonstrations and condemn the destructive actions.
What really stuck me was footage from Coeur d’Alene. Here were protesters on the street corners carrying assault style rifles. It made me laugh, honestly.
What is that image supposed to convey? It is difficult for me to think it was to support the message of most demonstrators.
Is the image due to high testosterone levels, low self-confidence, wild game in the vicinity, sale on camouflage gear, lack of knowledge and understanding?
Whatever the cause, it totally missed the mark.
Make no mistake, I am a veteran, a patriot and a gun owner and would not hesitate to use it if needed. But, come on northern Idaho and anywhere else that thinks assault rifles are an answer.
Vickie D. Nostrant
Commends Little
I want to commend Gov. Brad Little’s guidance through the COVID- 19 pandemic. While listening to and evaluating scientific evidence with care, his team developed realistic guidelines to protect our citizens.
Balancing the values of human life and economic well-being, his stay-at-home order has progressed to slowly reopening. Most Idaho citizens choosing to temporarily limit freedom and economic gain have kept COVID-19 deaths comparatively low. However, clamoring for their personal “rights,” a vocal minority of Idahoans continue to show disregard for life and the common good.
Many of them espouse “right to life,” yet their actions make it seem that “right to life” ends at birth. They ignore thousands of children being traumatized at our southern border. They support policies that leave millions of Americans without adequate health care. As our children are slaughtered in schools, they reject compromising on wise gun ownership and increased mental health services.
Rep. Heather Scott’s undermining Child Protection Services put vulnerable children at risk for abuse, neglect and death. More than 100,000 Americans have died from COVID-19. Yet their rights to unfettered freedom outweigh regard for others’ safety.
There is no freedom without responsibility. Wear masks, practice social distancing and support small businesses who do the same.
Sharon Curtis