OpinionJuly 7, 2024

Keep it concise

Thomas A. Hennigan’s letter (June 6) complaining about the length of Marc Johnson’s columns was most amusing.

Using 246 words to make his point — when a dozen would have sufficed — could be considered wading through excess verbiage.

Take your major professor’s advice, Mr. Hennigan. Keep it concise.

Wes Manzer


Answering the question

So Donald Trump is a racist? I would love to take a shot at that question.

This is simply a version of “orange man bad.” These are known as “ad hominem” attacks. Ad hominem attacks are basically just baseless name calling. This tactic is used regularly by the left because that’s all they have, and it is always a clear giveaway they have no facts or logical arguments to back it up. This is meant to change the subject and to avoid a rational discussion, because they know the facts are not on their side.

This tactic of argumentation has a name. It is called a deflection and it is meant to deflect from or avoid the actual facts or any kind of rational debate.

I’ll be the first to say that Trump is famously good at labeling (Elizabeth Warren as “Pocahontas.”) ... The difference is, when Trump does it he is based in some kind of fact, and this drives the left crazy.

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A more complete list is: Lie, deny, blame, shame, project, deflect, cheat, steal, kill the witnesses and then do it again.

If you look closely, you will see our media and the neo-Marxist activists are usually doing one or more of the above, to confuse or avoid the facts. It is a sickening realization, but that is what we are up against.

Here is the short answer. I would reply, “Trump is a racist? Really? Why would you say that?” And then listen to the crickets.

J.C. Passmore

Elk City

Missing the ‘Thought’

I was gone on a trip for three weeks this spring and much to my surprise the format of the Lewiston Tribune changed quite a bit while I was gone.

I am getting used to it but would like one thing brought back. Please, please bring back the “Thought For Today” that used to be published on Page 2A. They were usually inspirational and always positive.

Thank you.

Dixie Johnson


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