OpinionJuly 11, 2021

Killing off trees

For decades, I have complained about parks and recreation and city foresters killing our trees.

Like the city, the Lewiston Tribune has blown me off.

Here is yet another letter, not like it will make any difference. But I have already sent a letter to the college about their trees, complained for years to John Bradbury and I am working up yet another letter to the school district.

Meantime see below:

The city of Lewiston is on to a new record. It normally kills tens of thousands of dollars worth of trees each year due to winter sunscald, a tradition that goes back decades. Many, if not most, trees donated to the city in remembrance of the dearly departed if they have survived are severely damaged.

This year, the city is adding to that total. With the extreme heat and drought conditions, the city will certainly lose hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of trees under their care. Valley homeowners and landlords will likely exceed that total as thousands of trees and shrubs are already showing extreme heat stress.

A few dollars saved by not watering will result in the loss of hundreds of dollars worth of trees.

John W. Fisher


Nothing but buttercups

In her book, “The Lacuna,” author Barbara Kingsolver points out how the U.S. elected to support the murdering communist butcher Joseph Stalin over the man of the people, Leon Trotsky. ...

At one point in the book, the main protagonist, Harrison Shepherd, is discussing censorship in the U.S. just after the end of World War II with his secretary, Violet Brown. A planned worldwide traveling exhibit of American artists has just been nixed by a special session of Congress.

Artwork depicting cemeteries and tenement houses drew particular ire from the senators.

“Why do you suppose that is?” Harrison asks Violet.

She replies, “Congress has to keep up appearances. The paintings were going around the world. We couldn’t let the world know America has racial strife and tenement houses.”

“How can it be unAmerican to paint a picture of sadness?” Harrison asks.

“If you’re standing in the manure pile, it’s somebody’s job to mention the stink,” says Violet. “Those congressmen are saying we have to call it a meadow of buttercups instead of a cesspool.”

To which Harrison asks, “Where’s the harm?”

“The harm,” says Violet, “is that nobody will climb out of the pile. They’ll keep where they are, up to their eyeballs in dung, trying to outdo each other remarking on the beauty of the buttercups.”


A picture perfect picture of today’s GOPer Nazi fascists, waddling somnambulantly through the dung-filled cesspools of Trumplandia, delighting in the endless fields of lovely buttercups with their heavenly sweet, odoriferous fragrance.

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Mike Epstein


Explain it to the kids

I’m going to use the title of one of the Opinion page commentator’s articles that was in the June 27 Lewiston Tribune, but I’m changing one word: “History should teach each generation the horrors of fascism.”

Definition of fascism: a political philosophy, movement or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition (Merriam-Webster Dictionary).

As per the above mentioned article, Adolf Hitler did join the Socialist Party, but he soon became a fascist. Hitler was the leader of Nazi Germany and Benito Mussolini was the leader of Fascist Italy.

Both of these men were dictators and were the worst of the worst. They will forever be remembered as being two of the cruelest and most inhumane dictators in the history of the world.

Former President Donald Trump is a fascist. If given the opportunity to be a dictator, he has the potential of making Hitler and Mussolini look like choir boys.

How will you Trump supporters explain to your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren why you supported Trump when he was trying to destroy our democracy?

How will you explain to them why you supported a narcissist who is so cruel and uncaring to other human beings?

How will you answer their questions?

Joan Vanhorn


Show some respect

Regarding the advertisement on the back page of the July 1 Inland 360: The ad shows the Statue of Liberty holding a bong.

Wow. What a disgrace to an America icon.

I do not care if anyone uses marijuana, whether for recreational use or medicinal purposes. But I am against this total disregard for our American heritage. Would it be acceptable for Coors or Budweiser to run an ad showing Chief Joseph on his Appaloosa horse holding a can of beer? No, the Lewiston Tribune would not think of printing an ad of that nature.

So why has the Lewiston Tribune stooped so low as to disrespect an American icon, the Statue of Liberty?

Shame on Sativa Sisters for even thinking this is acceptable. Maybe they thought it would go unnoticed.

And in closing, shame on you, Lewiston Tribune, for even considering printing this ad.

Cindy Eccles


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