OpinionDecember 21, 2020

Wrong choice

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris? Come on, man.

Did they even read the news in 2020? You don’t have to think long to know that Time’s 2020 Person of the Year should have been nurses and health care workers.

Thanks to all of them.

William LaMunyan



Well, well, well, 126 Republican members of Congress signed onto Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s attempt to overturn the election in battleground states where President Donald Trump lost.

A bit of backstory shines some light on why Paxton might want to please Trump right now.

He is under federal investigation and indictment for securities fraud, bribery, abuse of office and other charges. So the skivvy is that he is shooting for one of those Trump pardons the president has been handing out to all his criminal buddies who have done him service.

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But why in heck are 126 members of the House signing on to this seditious nonsense?

You might want to ask our own Russ Fulcher and Mike Simpson, or go across borders and ask Dan Newhouse of Washington or Greg Gianforte of Montana what is motivating them.

Sedition is no small crime and to go against the vote of the people is a slap in the face of our democracy. So Russ and Mike, can you explain your support for this in no-nonsense terms? Or will you just pretend that our democracy doesn’t matter anymore?

Roger Hayes


It’s not about freedom

No, Lucky Brandt (letter to the editor, Friday), the issue of wearing a mask is not about freedom and liberty.

It’s about selfishness, ignorance and stupidity.

Bob Woods


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