Three anecdotes
Hopefully a letter may address more than one issue. The following three anecdotes may be relevant today.
The first was posed as the final question on “Jeopardy!” on Nov. 2: “What sea rose that made England an island 10,000 years ago?” The North Sea was the correct answer. Was this the result of climate change? What effect did humans have?
The second happened on a trip some years ago to the British Isles. An article in the London paper was decrying the fact that the salmon population was declining. Dams? They attributed it to overfishing by other countries.
The third was an editorial by Thomas L. Friedman of the New York Times, where he stated that the reckless former President Donald Trump was going to lead us into war.
The only editorials that seem to be accurate are written by our own Dick Riggs.
Don Poe
A little, blue marble
Dinosaurs roamed Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago, which is a whole lotta time. So much so we humans can hardly fathom given our average limited lifetime of about 75 years which reminds me that at age 73 maybe I better get my bucket list checked off.
As researchers dig through the earth and find a huge amount of animal and plant fossils (i.e. bones, skeletal), they also come across humanoid remains and their various cultural artifacts and structures which should help most of us current humans understand that our fragile fate is similar to those huge dinosaurs. Whether it’s one day at a time or one huge bang, boom, it’s done.
Why is so hard for humans to stop blowing up each other over land? It’s a little blue marble in darkness of space, dirt and rocks, and yet some want their neighbor’s dirt and rocks, too. It doesn’t make sense to not learn from our history.
Could it be our evolution ran off course somewhere in time and making course corrections is too difficult without some creative divine intervention? I’ve asked that question at different moments in life, once especially while digging a foxhole and concerned for my personal safety.
Lately it seems that more individuals have had inspiration to make pleas for ending the destruction of lands and life in recent war-torn countries and be civil with one another to preserve lives, especially civilians in the wrong place and time. That includes our own country.
Mike Petrusky
If it ain’t broke
Whose bright idea was it to change the format of the online Tribune’s e-edition? It was a lot easier to read the old way.
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
Randy Banks
Yuma, Ariz.