OpinionAugust 8, 2021

Commentary: Opinion of Richard J. Eggleston
Richard Eggleston
Richard Eggleston

The distress of the critical race theory demagogues is evident by using the $300 million budget of the National Education Association, vowing to use all resources at its disposal —including friendly media — to discredit mothers protecting their children.

Quisha King, a Black mother and co-founder of Moms for Liberty, along with Tina Descovich, states: “If I’m going to fight for anything and I’m going to put myself on the line, it’s for Christ first and ... for my family next. I’m not willing to stand by the wayside and let this type of poison be introduced to my children any further or to anyone else’s child. ... Because what they don’t realize is that, my father in heaven is who I get my strength from. ...” Descovich states: “We are coming out of the worst year on record for modern education and you would think the NEA would focus on reading and writing and math and instead of trying to divide us by our color.” These mothers support teaching real history, including the history of racism.

Another embarrassment for the American Marxists is Ty Smith. He spoke strongly at his local Illinois school board against CRT stating; “How do I have two medical degrees if I’m oppressed? ... How did I get where I am right now if some white man kept me down?”

You’ve probably figured out he is Black.

Xi Van Fleet, a woman who survived the Cultural Revolution in Mao’s Communist China, said the CRT lessons, with their emphasis on personal guilt, follows Mao’s techniques.

A main tenant of CRT is that whites are the only villains of history. Before the Spanish controlled Central and South America, there were the Mayan, Inca and Aztec empires with slaves and human sacrifices. South Africa’s Zulu Empire had slaves and now has decades of CRT experience and riots. Africans themselves captured other Blacks for sale throughout the world. A Black-on-Black massacre occurred in Rwanda in 1994. Native American tribes often warred to death and took slaves. The Turks massacred Armenians.

Donald Harris, father of Kamala Harris, says his roots go back to Hamilton Brown (2018 essays for jamaicaglobalonline.com, updated Jan. 14, 2019), a slave-owning planter in Jamaica.

Holding descendants responsible for these ancestor acts would apply, according to CRT. Although CRT has been around for decades, it has blossomed in the Biden administration

The NEA and Marxist founders of CRT want to fracture beyond repair the human soul and society’s conscience, and to break the unity of the races of this greatest of nations. This is a toxic curricula, teaching children to hate their classmates because of skin color, and putting ideology ahead of the child’s need for reading, writing, science, math, history and music. But they do have “Drag Queen Story Hour” and face masks.

Oregon’s education department states that focusing on the correct answer in math is an example of white supremacy culture, i.e. accuracy in math is viewed through a race lens, meaning no advancement through individual effort.

In California, math must have “equity.”

The NEA’s ideology is itself racist, as indicated by teachers participating in the Antifa and Black Lives Matter-sponsored Portland riots, teaching children to be rioters.

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About 75 percent of Americans oppose CRT. As of June 30, at least 51 local recall efforts, twice the usual number, targeted at least 2,150 elected members of K-12 school boards.

Why are school boards becoming battlegrounds? During the shutdowns, parents saw on Zoom what their children were actually being taught. They saw children forced to engage in CRT exercises that say race determines everything about them, that even as children you are either an oppressor or oppressed.

While being home-schooled, children learned: America is great even with flaws and Communism sucks; the double-speak of totalitarianism was destroyed by boys saying: “I’m a boy. Girls: I’m a girl, and learning true history.

Many dissatisfied parents are traditional liberals who aren’t political but don’t trust the education system. Advocates for CRT initially denied CRT even existed in K-12 schools, but an esoteric topic only taught in law schools.

Salinas Valley, a Black teacher, exposed CRT in ethnic studies in California.

Haylee Yasgar, a Minnesota Sartell-St. Stephen School District grade-school student, was told by her teacher not to “repeat any of the questions to our parents” about an equity survey. If CRT and the 1619 project aren’t been taught in public schools, why the psychotic push back? This screen of evasion has been ripped open by concerned parents.

As K-12 education is mandated, elected legislative oversight of substance being taught is required. Many parents, if certain that their child has been mistreated, discriminated against or in a hostile environment will enter the legal system to protect the country’s greatest assets. The children belong to parents, not the NEA or the government.

Just as body cameras are required for police, it’s time for the classroom also, especially since the NEA doesn’t want parents to watch the classroom on Zoom.

Since revolutions devour their own, the tide is turning against CRT. Formerly indoctrinated white proponents of CRT, protesting other white people for being white, are losing their teaching jobs just because of their skin color and are fighting back.

Check New York’s Grace Church former headmaster George Davison’s resignation. And white teachers in New York High School of Public Service are being fired by Principal Paula Lev, who is now under investigation by the city Department of Education (New York Post July 10).

If you can get someone fired for his skin color, you’re not the oppressed, you are the oppressor.

As with the Salem witch trials, CRT must go, before destroying our military and the rest of the country.

Eggleston, M.D., is a retired ophthalmologist. His email address is rjegglestonmd@gmail.com.

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