Much of the criticism of my Feb. 21 commentary centered on ivermectin, hydroxychloroquin, vaccine deaths and side effects, fetal cell lines and the pope’s opinion. I was and still am certain of the accuracy of my thoughts, as I am sure that all who objected, including the local doctors, are of theirs.
I believe that soon, ivermectin, the inhaled steroid budesonide and others will be the standard of care for prevention and treatment of SARSCov2 (COVID-19).
The medical group, Front Line COVID Critical Care Alliance, has presentations by Paul Marik, M.D., and Pierre Kory, M.D. The group has extensive experience treating COVID-19 patients and presents arguments for ivermectin’s use as well as Vitamin D, zinc, Vitamin C, aspirin and melatonin.
Some of the information follows:
To date, there have been 44 total trials of ivermectin for COVID-19. Twenty-three were randomized, controlled trials (the medical gold standard). No other medicine has had more gold standard trials than ivermectin.
There were 288 scientists and 15,420 patients. To discount these trials infers that this many scientists, scattered throughout the world, fabricated the results. Medical trials such as these are suppressed or ignored.
There was 89 percent improvement in 11 prophylaxis trials, 82 percent improvement in 15 early treatment trials and 70 percent fewer deaths in the 23 gold standard trials.
Marik on the YouTube site of Dr. Mobeen Syed ( states: “There is no medication that has been proven to be more effective than ivermectin for the treatment of SARSCov2 (COVID-19).”
The British Ivermectin Recommendation and Development panel from Oxford University, made a very strong recommendation for the immediate global use of ivermectin to the World Health Organization to decrease morbidity and mortality from COVID-19. A placebo-controlled gold standard study would not be ethical if the Declaration of Helsinki-Ethical Principles for Medical Research involving Human Subjects is followed when there is strong evidence of a treatment’s efficacy. The trial also showed benefits for vitamins D and C and zinc.
The WHO contracted with Dr. Andrew Hill at the University of Liverpool to do a meta-analysis (a review) of 18 worldwide, gold standard trials of ivermectin to treat COVID-19 infection. Patients were randomized to standard of care for ivermectin. The death rate for standard of care for those studied was 10 percent vs 2.5 percent for ivermectin. Important indicators such as time to viral clearance, time to clinical recovery, length of hospitalization and very high effectiveness for prophylaxis were significantly in ivermectin’s favor.
Billions (3.8) of doses of ivermectin have been taken since its discovery in 1992. The Nobel Prize was given to its discoverer, Satoshi Omura of Japan. The WHO’s VigiAccess database shows ivermectin with 16 deaths during 30 years and COVID-19 vaccines with more than 1,200 deaths during a half-year.
The, Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, states: “Although 25 percent of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less then 0.3 percent of all adverse drug events, and 1-13 percent of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration. Likewise, fewer than 1 percent of all vaccine adverse events are reported.”
In my first commentary, I explained how the stated number of COVID-19 deaths is exaggerated. The Guidance for Certifying Deaths Due to Coronavirus Disease 2020 from states: “But it is acceptable to report COVID-19 on a death certificate without this (laboratory) evidence. ...”
The test most used to determine if a person is COVID-19 antibody positive is based on polymerase chain reaction. Kory Mullis, the Nobel Prize winner for inventing the PCR, and Dr. Mike Yeaden, have stated that the PCR is not an appropriate tool for diagnosing COVID-19 infections, especially when done inaccurately, causing the PCR to be “95 percent erroneous for COVID-19.”
Even The New York Times stated that the PCR is “79 percent false positive.”
Therefore, eight of 10 supposed COVID-19 deaths based on PCR may not be COVID-19 deaths.
Also, Yeaden, who for 16 years was the chief scientist for Pfizer, has requested in the strongest terms to the European Medical Agency, to suspend COVID-19, mRNA vaccine studies. This because of antibody delayed enhancement described in last month’s commentary.
Another topic to discuss is fetal cell lines. Suppose it takes someone 20 attempts to build a functioning computer. The final cost is not just the components of the 20th attempt, but all of the components of all 20 attempts. Similarly, all of the aborted babies must be counted in developing the cell line. So stating that only one baby was used is misleading. Many of these cell lines have required more than 40 babies. Older, aged cell lines don’t exist forever but have to be “updated.”
Another problem using fetal tissue is making “humanized” mice with human fetal cells grafted on. Thankfully, the Novavax vaccine doesn’t use fetal cells for development, but I am uncertain if they are used for testing. Also, there is no mRNA, with this vaccine.
Many clergy in my church and other denominations have vigorously opposed the use of fetal cells for research, development or testing of any biologic.
Archbishops Athanasius Schneider, Salvatore Cordileone, Carlo Maria Vigano as well as Bishops Michael Duca and Joseph Strickland and many priests have expressed grave, moral concerns about the use of fetal cells. Unless the pope claims he is speaking infallibly on this issue — he has not claimed that — his opinions are, well, his opinions.
Previously, space did not permit listing of sources. Besides those above, here are some, but many more are available. These will provide alternative information that we are entitled to for health care decisions, forming our own opinions and defending personal freedom:
l America Frontline Doctors, Dr. Simone Gold — She strongly believes in the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine, for prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19. She was fired from her emergency room job for prescribing hydroxychloroquin.
l The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons, Dr. Lee Merritt.
l A interview with Dr. Reinor Fuellmich, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Alan Dershowitz
l — Dr. Sherri Tenpenny.
l dated Jan. 16.
l Eric Metaxis on YouTube with Dr. Ray Solano.
Be a free thinker. Having grit helps.
Eggleston, M.D., is a retired ophthalmolgist. His email address is