OpinionApril 28, 2022

Setting record straight

Charlotte Omotto, use this link poll.qu.edu/images/polling/us/us03072022_ujca44.pdf or search “poll showing Democrats would flee invasion” to verify my letter.

Regarding your April 14 letter:

I like my Democrat friends. I hunt with several. To say all Democrats are anti-gun would be incorrect. To say, as I did, that Democrats tend to be anti-gun is correct. My friends fit in the 40% of that poll who would not flee.

Which party spent four years trying to overthrow and impeach a duly elected president of our country, using false, vicious, anonymous-sourced, unsubstantiated, probably libelous accusations, all supported by a misguided media? That is far from the definition of “supporting democratic institutions.”

Sorry, the Black Lives Matter flag flew over way more destruction than Donald Trump’s flag. Supporting a party that releases serious felons onto the streets with little or no bail but throws trespassers in prison for more than a year with no trial or bail opportunities is not a winning strategy.

Who benefited from Jan. 6? Not Trump.

Gen. James Mattis resigned in January 2019 after two years of record defense budget increases. The $90 billion from fiscal year 2021 appears to be somewhat higher despite moving out of war.

Trump left with a defense budget much higher than when he came in.

Mattis wanted the U.S. to be involved militarily in Syria. Trump refused.

Biden listened to Gen. Lloyd Austin, pulling troops from Afghanistan before securing American citizens. Which action worked out the best? Biden is increasing the defense budget substantially. Why?

David Klatt


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Endorses Wasden

While campaigning as the Democratic candidate for governor in 2006, I took quite a liking to Lawrence Wasden, the Republican attorney general.

When we appeared at the same events, I found him real, warm and straightforward.

Since then, I’ve watched as he made one good decision after another, some of them hard ones which did not please some in the Legislature.

This is a country and a state founded on our constitutions and our laws, not what is politically popular. His job is to uphold Idaho’s laws and Constitution, and he does that bravely.

I am not among those Democrats who switched parties to vote in the Republican primary, so I implore Republicans to vote for Wasden in the primary so that all of us can vote for him in November.

Jerry Brady


Invasive species

Why are not the pelicans considered an invasive species? They are not a native species to this area and are harming the waters with their waste while they are eating our crappie, bass, steelhead smolt and salmon smolt.

Fish and game agencies on both sides of the river should be looking into this problem.

John Draper


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