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Do you want to be a delegate or alternate to the Washington State Democratic Congressional Cau cus and State Convention?
Because of the current COVID-19 crisis, the Executive Committee of the Washington State Democratic Central Committee has canceled the upcoming face-to-face legislative district caucuses and county conventions that were to be held on May 3.
In the past, delegates for the congressional district and state conventions were elected at these legislative district caucuses. ...
However, this year’s delegate election will be done by email.
Elected or appointed precinct committee officers will be the only persons eligible to vote. The total number of delegates elected in each LD as well as the number of delegates who will represent each viable presidential candidate depend on the March primary vote results in each LD. This year, the only viable presidential candidates coming out of the Washington state primary race were Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders. ...
Washington Democrats are encouraged to apply to run for delegate or alternate delegate. The Democratic Party is encouraging diversity in its representation and urges those who identify as a member of an under-represented group to run for a delegate position.
The process of applying will only be done online at a designated website, Applications must be completed by 5 p.m. on April 24. ... If you’re interested in representing fellow Democrats in your locale who support your favored candidate, please visit the link to apply to be a delegate and to obtain more information about this process.
Carolyn Wyatt
Democratic chairwoman,
9th Legislative District
Message received
Don Matteson smashed my self-esteem, when he pointed out that I can’t add one plus one (“Following propaganda,” March 28).
Like Cindy Agidius, I had a firm belief that nicotine itself is not harmful. But I also have read, and used, a recipe for making a pesticide by soaking tobacco in water. It’s a killer.
His letter caused me to see that I was holding contradictory thoughts in my head.
Now I wonder what caliber of brain I have. So, I have to ask Matteson about something that I think I remember reading in some book, some time. But which book was it?
This is important for those who live with chronic pain.
The author stated that heroin does not damage any organ in the body. Is that true? If yes, then what about morphine? I hear that Tylenol destroys the liver, at high doses, over time. True?
Is there a pain medication that is both safe and effective?
Then a question for everybody: What does it matter if a pain medicine is addictive if a patient will be using it for life-long pain?
Wiley Hollingsworth