OpinionApril 14, 2020


In March 2017, the Clearwater County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue elected new officers. For the next three months, the new treasurer’s reports were flawed. My wife felt no longer intimidated to speak up as Sheriff Chris Goetz was no longer treasurer. Three months later at the June meeting, former Chief Deputy Rick Miller told another search and rescue member ... that my wife was this close to getting “the ax.”

It was about this same time that Goetz and Miller told her that she wouldn’t be getting any more search and rescue email with the minutes of the meeting and the treasurer report until she got a new email address.

She was the only search and rescue member who ever was so ordered. This was intentional direct discrimination, intimidation and harassment toward her from the sheriff’s office. ...

Her email address was directly tied to her dedication as a search dog team member and the thousands of hours and dollars she had invested as had all the dog team members. Many other agencies had this email address so she wasn’t about to change it.

I might add the dog team trains almost every week regardless of the weather, rain, shine, snow and driving up to an hour to do so. Did they think that I wouldn’t see her search and rescue emails even with a new email address?

Once again, they wanted to silence anyone who disagreed with or challenged ... Sheriff Goetz.

Frederick Allen


It takes nerve

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So Gov. Jay Inslee is asking Washington manufacturers to shift to making personal protective equipment. That takes a lot of nerve after his years of crippling them with every environmental, labor and climate change regulation he could possibly think of.

Of course, most businesses will comply with the request and many have already expressed willingness to help however they can.

Inslee is asking but says he would rather the feds use the Defense Production Act to force them.

How typically Democratic of him.

Lucky Brandt


Heed the admonition

With the shadow of COVID-19 hovering over our heads, Americans (and the world) are facing one of the largest crises in many years.

Our amazing nation was founded upon Christian principles and faith. Is it not time to heed the admonition in II Chronicles 7:14 — “If my people, which are called by my name, humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

Patricia MacDowell


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