Temperatures are predicted to surpass 100 degrees for this first weekend of summer. Stay hydrated and keep your cool.
MOSCOW — Classic throwbacks, suspenseful action and comedies will be center stage at the University of Idaho during this year’s Summer Cinema event. The Department of Student Involvement, in conjunction with Administrative Operations and Auxiliary Services, scheduled the free movie series. Half of the movies will be shown as a part of the Screen on the Green series on the Theophilus Tower Lawn; the other half at the Moscow Drive-In at the Kibbie Activity Center parking lot (Lot 57). Each movie will start at approximately 9 p.m. primarily on Fridays. Tonight's movie is “Field of Dreams” (PG) at the Moscow Drive-In. Free popcorn will be served on a first-come, first-served basis. More information about the film series is at uidaho.edu/summercinema or the Department of Student Involvement Facebook page.
CRAIGMONT — The Craigmont June Picnic celebration begins with activities at 3 p.m. today with a cornhole tournament at the city park and will continue throughout the weekend including a 5K run/walk at 8 a.m., a parade at 10 a.m., ping-pong ball drop at 11:30 a.m., egg toss at 4:30 p.m., the American Legion barbecue at noon and a street dance at 7 p.m. with the band American Bonfire. There will also be an ATV/UTV treasure hunt starting at 11 a.m. Sunday.
Sign-in for the second annual Mac McClain Memorial Motorcycle Show is set for 8-10 a.m. with the show running from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Vernon Park in Clarkston at the corner of Sixth and Chestnut streets. There is no cost for viewers and those wanting to exhibit their antique and classic motorcycles of 25 years and older. Awards will be presented for antique (50 years and older), classic (25-50 years) and the people's choice. For additional information, call (208) 743-1913.
LAPWAI — The Nez Perce Tribe will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the return of the Spalding-Allen Collection from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Nez Perce National Historical Park, 39063 U.S. Highway 95. The collection's new name will be announced. Festivities include a parade and other outdoor activities.
AHSAHKA — The Orofino Chapter of the Christian Motorcyclist Association, the Clearwater Crusaders for Christ, will host the fifth annual Run for the Son fundraiser, with its Bug Splat Ride on Saturday. The ride is open to all motorcyclists with a $10 donation, which includes a bug splat target. The largest splat on the target wins bragging rights and a prize of $100. There will also be prizes for closest to the center, the most splats and the furthest traveled. The association’s Run for the Son started as an effort to provide one motorcycle to a pastor in Guatemala. Run for the Son has now provided transportation to 14,575 pastors, evangelists and Christian workers around the world. Registration is at the View Point, second turn-in, Dworshak Reservoir, in Ahsahka. Sign-in is at 10 a.m., and the ride starts at 11 a.m. Hot dogs will be served after the ride.
MOSCOW — Activists who have organized and participated in Line 3 and Keystone XL resistance will meet for #StopLine3 movement at 10 a.m. Saturday during the Moscow Farmers Market in Friendship Square. The group will offer materials and ideas for creation of protest signs. At 11 a.m. public gatherings will welcome and thank KXL and Line 3 opposition leaders who will talk about their experiences. At noon, solidarity action participants will march with signs and mail their letters to President Joe Biden urging him to revoke federal permits for Line 3 and all fossil fuels projects. Additional information is at bit.ly/3qqWnEZ.
ANATONE — Anatone Day is set for 11 a.m. at Anatone Community Hall, 556 Timberline Road. The cost for a barbecue dinner is $7 per person; ATV poker run is $5 per hand. There will be live music, horseshoe tournament, games, raffle and live auction. The Christian Cowboy Balladeers will perform from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own lawn chairs.
Lewiston Brewfest is set for 2-8 p.m. at the Nez Perce County Fairgrounds, 1229 Burrell Ave., Lewiston. $20 advance tickets are sold at Rosauers in Lewiston and Riverport Brewing in Clarkston. There will be microbrews, live music and food.
Ham radio operators from the Palouse Hills Amateur Radio Club in Latah and Whitman counties will be participating in a national amateur radio exercise from 11 a.m. Saturday until 11 a.m. Sunday. The event is ARRL Field Day, arrl.org/FieldDay, an annual amateur radio activity organized since 1933 by ARRL, the national association for amateur radio in the United States. The club's field day site will be on the Latah County Fairgrounds in Moscow, south of the ice rink. A self-study license guide is available from the ARRL Ham Radio License Manual at arrl.org/shop/Ham-Radio-License-Manual.
Does your group or community have an event planned for a weekend that you would like to have included in the weekend roundup? Email the information to city@lmtribune.com, deadline is noon Thursday.