Asotin County Commission
Time: 9 a.m. Monday
Go to county website for link
Darla McKay, auditor, center for tech and civic life grant.
Karst Riggers, building official, conditional-use permit for Darren Goin, 1828 Hillyard Drive, an ordinance lifting the emergency burn ban in Asotin County.
John Hilderbrand, sheriff, request to fill open position.
Tammy Tenny, Superior Court administrator, request to fill open position.
Veterans advisory board, county veterans officer proposal.
Executive sessions on personnel issues.
Clarkston School Board
Time: 6 p.m. Monday
Place: Limited in-person attendance at district office, 1294 Chestnut St. To join Zoom meeting, go to or call (253) 215-8782 and enter meeting ID 91221814217.
Agenda items:
Discussion on Valley Connections.
Revisit strategic plan.
Consent agenda including agreement with Maxim Health Care Services Inc. for 1:1 nursing services — action item.
Clarkston City Council
Time: 7 p.m. on Monday
Agenda items:
Washington State Department of Transportation discussion.
Amend resolutions.
Department of Ecology collection master plan study loan funding.
WWTP solar project grant funding.
Asotin County Public Facilities District
Time: 4:15 Tuesday
Place: 1603 Dustan Loop, Clarkston
Agenda items:
Executive session for discussion of personnel issues.
New business — surveys.
Asotin City Council
Time: 5:30 p.m. Tuesday (office closed on Monday)
Place: City Hall, 121 Cleveland St.
Agenda items:
Riverpointe Park discussion.
Update on streets.
Resolution on policy for banner, reader board and bulletin board use at city facilities.
Asotin County Public Utility District
Time: 10 a.m. Tuesday
Place: By teleconference, call-in number: (509) 254-2808 access code: 7581010.
Agenda items:
COVID-19 update.
Silcott Hills residential development water system.
Real estate sale and purchase agreement — action item.
Lewiston School Board
Time: 6 p.m. Monday
Place: Normal Hill campus auditorium, 1114 9th Ave.
Agenda items:
Educational Support Personnel of the Year Award.
Consider approval of fiscal year 2020 audit report — action item.
Consider reopening collective bargaining for the 2020-21 master agreement ratified in June — action item.
Review possible dates and times to schedule meeting with District 6 legislators.
Lewiston City Council
Time: 6 p.m. Monday
Place: City Library, 411 D St., livestream at
Agenda items:
Public hearing on the city’s intent to establish a business improvement district downtown.
Consent agenda, including minutes; a resolution to accept a public sidewalk/pedestrian access/public utility and access/public stormwater utility and access easement from Alexander Investors LLC; a resolution to accept a public wastewater utility and access easement from Alexander Investors LLC; the final plat for the Estates at Canyon Crest; the preliminary plat for the Carlton hangar addition; the final plat for Lindsay Creek Estates; and vouchers payable — action items.
First reading of an ordinance to adopt international fire codes — action item.
First reading of an ordinance to implement the council’s decision to annex land — action item.
First reading of an ordinance to remove references to the Youth Advisory Commission from city code — action item.
First, second and third readings of an ordinance to establish the business improvement district — action item.
Second and third readings of an ordinance regarding regulations for wireless communication facilities — action item.
Second and third readings of an ordinance to adopt certain international codes — action item.
Second and third readings of an ordinance to implement the city’s decision to annex land — action item.
Second and third readings of an ordinance to update the Area of City Impact boundary map — action item.
Adoption and approval of ordinance summaries — action item.
Consider approving a water, wastewater and sanitation rate study and establish policies for setting utility rates — action item.
Consider adopting a revised records retention policy and schedule — action item.
Items removed from the consent agenda — action item.
Executive session for pending litigation and labor negotiations — action item.
Lewiston Urban Renewal Agency
Time: noon Tuesday
Place: City Hall, 1134 F St., livestream at
Agenda items:
Consent agenda, including minutes, invoices and approval of engagement letter to Presnell-Gage for annual audit services for $4,100 — action item.
Next steps for a new revenue allocation area downtown and on Normal Hill — action item.
Wheatland Fire Protection District
Time: 5:30 p.m. Wednesday
Place: 7301 Lapwai Road, Lewiston
Agenda items:
Current budget — action item.
Bills — action item.
Fireworks — action item.
Flag pole — action item.
Signage — action item.
Fire station building complex update.
Fire chief’s report.
Lewiston Planning and Zoning Commission
Time: 5:30 p.m. Wednesday
Place: City Library, 411 D St., livestream at
Agenda items:
Public hearing on a proposal to amend wireless communication facility regulations to comply with a federal ruling — action item.
Nez Perce County Fair Board
Time: 6 p.m. Wednesday
Place: 1229 Burrell Ave., Lewiston
Agenda items:
Welcome new board member Leslie Smith.
Financial status and payables — action item.
Report on the 2020 4-H fair.
Fair kitchen rental — action item.
Fair security report.
Preliminary 2020 4-H fair financial report.
Discussion of 2022 Idaho State Parks and Recreation RV Grant Program and recommend a qualified grant writer — action item.
Manager’s report.