Asotin City Council
Time: 5:30 p.m. Monday
Place: 121 Cleveland St., Asotin
Agenda items:
Consultant/contractor reports
Fair Committee would like to request permission to use the streets for the parade and the land for the carnival for Asotin County Fair in April 2022.
Consider changing personnel policy to include pay bands for nonunion employees.
Asotin County Commission
Time: 9 a.m. Monday
Place: Courthouse Annex, 095 Second St., Asotin, or online via county’s website
Agenda items:
Lieutenant Colonel Rick Childers, Army Corps of Engineers, discussion of Snake River confluence dredging
Chris Kemp, COO, Asotin County Jail contract for medical services
Cynthia Tierney, community services director, interagency agreement Washington Traffic Safety Commission Grant
Lori Hyde, family resource coordinator, CDHY consulting services agreement
Ted Sharpe, project manager, letter of support of LiDAR, Snake River Road supplemental agreement No. 4
Permission for vacation carryover
Housing Authority Board recommendation for appointment
Executive session
Asotin County Public Utility District
Time: 5:30 p.m. Tuesday
Place: Asotin County PUD Office, 1500 Scenic Way, Clarkston
Agenda items:
Personnel policy update approval
Management policy update approval
Award bid for meter lids
Review proposed 2022 budget
Commissioner and manager reports
Clarkston City Council
Time: Budget workshop at 6 p.m. Monday, regular meeting at 7 p.m. Monday
Place: 829 Fifth St., Clarkston.
Agenda items:
Letter of support, LIDAR Grant — Asotin County Public Works
Proclamation of Family Court Awareness Month
Partnership agreements for ecology grants (Public Works)
Lewiston City Council
Time: 6 p.m. Monday
Place: City Library, 411 D St.
Agenda items:
End of quarter financial report.
Consent agenda, including minutes, approval of a two-lot subdivision on the east side of the 3500 block of Eighth Street, approval of the certificate of compliance for ambulance service, and vouchers payable – action item.
Consider approving the 2021 water system facility planning study – action item.
Consider approving the use of funds received through coronavirus state and local recovery funds for necessary water improvements as described in the planning study – action item.
Consider an agreement with the LC Valley Adult Resource Center for overnight warming shelter accommodations at the Salvation Army location on 21st Street in the amount of $20,000.
Second and third readings of an ordinance to amend city code regarding dangerous dogs – action item.
Third reading of an ordinance granting an exclusive franchise to Sanitary Disposal Inc. for collection, hauling and tipping of residential and commercial solid waste, yard waste and recyclables – action item.
Executive session to acquire an interest in real property not owned by a public agency – action item.
Action item regarding information discussed in executive session.
Lewiston School Board (special meeting)
Time: 5 p.m. Tuesday
Place: Central Services Board Room, 3317 12th St.
Agenda items:
Executive session for the purpose of conducting a hearing to consider a recommendation for the expulsion of a public school student.
Nez Perce County Commission
Time: 9 a.m. Monday
Place: Brammer Building, 1225 Idaho St.
Agenda items:
Discussion with the Public Defense Commission.
Other commission meetings at the Brammer Building
Time: 9 a.m. Tuesday
Agenda items:
Executive session for pending litigation.
Time: noon Tuesday
Agenda items:
Waterways Committee meeting, including letters of support for grant requests, new patrol boat discussion, Mann Lake discussion, current budget and other administrative issues.
Time: 1:30 p.m. Tuesday
Agenda items:
Consider providing for the annual suspension of maintenance and snow removal of certain county roads – action item.
Consider the purchase of six pickups from Rogers Motors for the sheriff’s office – action item.
Time: 9 a.m. Wednesday
Agenda items:
Discussion regarding the Southway Boat Ramp repair.
Clarkston School Board
Time: 6 p.m. Monday
Place: 1294 Chestnut St. or on Zoom at
Agenda items:
Gifts to Clarkston School District: $1,750 fall show donation from LC Crew to district students in need – action item.
Appointment of pro/con committee members for the Educational Programs and Operations levy measure – action item.