NorthwestNovember 8, 2020

Asotin County Commission

Time: 9 a.m. Monday

Place:; phone in at (669) 900-6833, webinar ID 863 2097 4898.

Agenda items:

Holly Tietz, victim witness coordinator, Washington state STOP formula grant continuation.

Karst Riggers, building official, conditional-use permit for John Adcock at 2823 24th St., Clarkston.

Lisa Webber, prosecutor’s office, request to fill position.

Cynthia Tierney, Asotin County community services coordinator, amended subcontract with Quality Behavioral Health for prevention services; update on Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act grant to reimburse community services staff; request to fill open position.

Committee reports.

Budget workshops for 2021.

Asotin City Council

Time: 5:30 p.m. Monday

Place: City Hall, 121 Cleveland St.

Agenda items:

Riverpointe park discussion.

Street updates.

Monte Renzelman, police chief, winter driving tips.

First reading of ordinance amending Public Works Committee areas of responsibility.

Clarkston School Board

Time: 6 p.m. Monday

Place: Limited in-person attendance at district office, 1294 Chestnut St., by Zoom at or by phone at (253) 215-8782, meeting ID 91221814217.

Agenda items:

Valley connections discussion with Chad Miltenberger of Walla Walla Community College.

Consent agenda items including acceptance of gifts or donations to the district — action item.

Clarkston City Council

Time: 7 p.m. Monday

Place: By telephone; meeting can be joined by emailing a request to or calling (509) 758-5541 by 5 p.m. Monday.

Agenda items:

Professional services agreement with Tri-State Memorial Hospital.

First reading of ordinances on sewer and sanitation rates.

Asotin County Public Utility District

Time: 10 a.m. Tuesday

Place: By teleconference.

Agenda items:

Voucher and meeting minutes approval.

Award capital improvement projects materials bid.

Award well inspection and pump replacement bid.

Commissioner and manager reports.

Asotin County Public Facilities District

Time: 4:15 p.m. Tuesday

Place: 1603 Dustan Loop, Clarkston

Agenda items:

Voucher approval.

2021 budget review.

Port of Clarkston

Time: 1 p.m. Thursday

Place: Port of Clarkston office, 849 Port Way, Clarkston or by telephone at (712) 775-7031 with code 796442#.

Agenda items:

Public hearings on Port of Clarkston 2021 budget, comprehensive scheme of harbor improvements for 2021 to 2026 and supplemental budget for 2020.

Final resolution for 2021 budget — action item.

Adoption comprehensive scheme of harbor revisions for 2021 to 2026 — action item.

Discussion of tasks completed by port manager under authority granted by a previous resolution, including seeking money from the city of Clarkston lodging tax for auxiliary dock, approving garage door change-out for Riverport at Riverport’s expense and hiring an economist to assess economic impact of the port.

Grant authority to port manager to put auxiliary dock project out to bid and enter into contract for construction — action item.

Discussion of proposed location of Asotin County Jail.

Lewiston School Board

Time: 6 p.m. Monday

Place: Normal Hill campus auditorium, 1114 Ninth Ave.

Agenda items:

Introduction of new supervisor for district transportation department.

Proclamation on American Education Week — action item.

Proclamation on Education Support Professionals’ Day — action item.

Consider designating local financial institutions as eligible depositories for investment of district funds — action item.

Consider approval of early graduation applications for high school seniors — action item.

Consider approval of special request from certified employee on leave of absence — action item.

Nez Perce County Commission

Time: 1:30 p.m. Monday

Place: Brammer Building, 1225 Idaho St., livestream at or (408) 650-3123 access code 939-659-677.

Agenda items:

Consider a resolution supporting the District 2 Interoperable Governance Board requests to develop the Orofino to Nezperce fiber line and procure a fiber line feasibility study to connect Grangeville to New Meadows.

Time: 8 a.m.-noon Monday

Place: 3215 East Main St.

Agenda items:

Road Department winter startup and safety meeting.

Time: 11 a.m. Thursday

Place: Brammer Building, 1225 Idaho St., livestream at or (646) 749-3122 access code 772-213-437.

Agenda items:

Juvenile Detention Center expansion project bid opening.

Time: 3 p.m. Thursday

Place: Brammer Building, 1225 Idaho St., livestream at or (872) 240-3212 access code 399-746-549.

Agenda items:

Vehicle maintenance quote review.

Time: 11 a.m. Friday

Place: Brammer Building, 1225 Idaho St., livestream at or (872) 240-3311 access code 765-246-197.

Agenda items:

COVID-19 update and county operations.

Lewiston City Council

Time: 6 p.m. Monday

Place: City Library, 411 D St., livestream at

Agenda items:

Public hearing on a zone change request by 4 Renegades LLC.

Public hearing on a proposal to amend city code regarding wireless communication facilities.

Consent agenda, including minutes; a resolution authorizing destruction of certain fire department records; issuing certificates of compliance for emergency and nonemergency ambulance service for 2021; accepting a drinking water planning grant; approving the bid of Hydro Resources of $2,176,628 to drill Well 7; and vouchers payable — action item.

First reading of an ordinance to amend city code regarding wireless communication facilities — action item.

First reading of an ordinance repealing city code related to public records and reserving the section for future use — action item.

Second and third readings of an ordinance regarding parades and public assemblies — action item.

Second and third readings of an ordinance to annex land into the city limits — action item.

Consider a resolution amending the West Orchards maps of the comprehensive land use plan — action item.

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Second and third readings of an ordinance to include newly annexed land in the low-density residential zone — action item.

Second and third readings of an ordinance to amend the Area of City Impact boundary map — action item.

Adoption and approval of ordinance summaries — action item.

Direction to staff on how to draft the reasoned statement regarding the earlier zone change request — action item.

Considering the collective bargaining agreement with the police union — action item.

Consider declaring an emergency to allow funds to be spent for repairs to Well 1A — action item.

Consider a request to name the mountain biking and hiking trail at Community Park as Skinner Canyon — action item.

Consider restating and amending fees to recover costs associated with public records requests — action item.

Items removed from the consent agenda — action item.

Consider the appointment of a council liaison to the Business Improvement District Advisory Board.

Agenda topics — action item.

Lewiston Urban Renewal Agency

Time: noon Tuesday

Place: City Hall, 1134 F St., livestream at

Agenda items:

Approval of rebates to taxing entities — action item.

Request by city of Lewiston to fund software upgrade — action item.

Progress report and discussion on new revenue allocation area.

Lewiston City Council

Time: 5 p.m. Tuesday

Place: City Hall, 1134 F St., livestream at

Agenda items:

Interviews of five candidates for the airport authority board.

Lewiston Planning and Zoning Commission

Time: 5:30 p.m. Tuesday

Place: City Library, 411 D St., livestream at

Agenda items:

Consideration of the reasoned statement of relevant criteria and standards for a conditional use permit to allow a single small-lot development at 1008 Airway Ave. — action item.

Consideration of initiating a zoning code amendment to remove planned unit development amendment fees from city code in favor of putting them in the Community Development fee resolution — action item.

Consideration of initiating a zoning code amendment to clarify that Idaho code governs nonuse of improvements on a private property for their designated purpose — action item.

Public hearing on a request by Echo Hills Church to rezone 25 acres at 3215 Echo Hills Drive from agricultural transitional to low density residential.

Consideration of a request by Pact EMS to develop an emergency services station in the light industrial zoning district — action item.

Wheatland Fire Protection District

Time: 5:30 p.m. Tuesday

Place: 7301 Lapwai Road

Agenda items:

Current budget — action item.

Bills — action item.

Fireworks — action item.

Flag pole — action item.

Signage — action item.

Annual dinner date — action item.

Fire chief’s report.

Strategic plan for 2021.

Port of Lewiston

Time: noon Wednesday

Place: Port office, 1626 Sixth Ave. N., Lewiston or online at

Agenda items:

Salary increase of 2 percent for the general manager and assistant manager effective Dec. 1 — action item.

Update on Omega Morgan wind turbine project.

Executive session for preliminary trade or commerce negotiations involving competition with governing bodies in other states or nations and pending or potential litigation.

Lewiston Disability Advisory Commission

Time: noon Thursday

Place: City Hall, 1134 F St., livestream at

Agenda items:

Self-recognition of open meeting law violation.

Update and discussion of the Metropolitan Planning Organization’s long-range transportation plan.

Discussion of the city’s major remodel code update.

Lewiston City Council

Time: 3 p.m. Thursday

Place: City Library, 411 D St., livestream at

Agenda items:

Update from Carol Moehlre from Public Health – Idaho North Central District.

Lewiston City Council

Time: 4 p.m. Thursday

Place: City Library, 411 D St., livestream at

Agenda items:

Old Civic Theatre building update with potential options.

Presentation and status update on the requirements of the storm water permit.

Review and discussion of the stormwater ordinance and master plan.

Water treatment plant contract selection process update.

Lewis-Clark Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization Policy Board

Time: 4 p.m. Thursday

Place: Virtual meeting; link available by emailing

Agenda items:

Long-range transportation plan update.

Director’s report and general comments.

Year-to-date budget report.

Board training.

Lewiston Orchards Sewer District

Time: 5:30 p.m. Thursday

Place: Law Office Building, 1106 Idaho St., Zoom link at, meeting ID 915 4109 9144, passcode Dn5DKE.

Agenda items:

Public hearing on rate increase — action item.

Circuit breaker program — action item.

Contract amendment for the city of Lewiston — action item.

Fiscal year 2019 lift station reconciliation — action item.

Point repair project — action item.

Lift station survey, final payment and emergency generator — action item.

Cured in place pipe project for fiscal year 2021 — action item.

Central Orchards Sewer District

Time: 6 p.m. Thursday

Place: 1522 Powers Ave.

Agenda items:

Discussion and consideration of a resolution approving and adopting a new master plan — action item.

Discussion and consideration of Avista account for Northeast Crossing lift station — action item.

Discussion and consideration of proposed wage increases — action item.

Payment of bills and approval of financial report — action item.

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