Asotin County Commission
Time: 9 a.m. Monday.
Place: Annex, 095 Second St., Asotin.
Agenda items:
Juvenile Services Director Kelly Ryan: memorandum of agreement between Nez Perce County and Asotin County — action item.
Public hearings: vacation of certain roads/alleyways in Anatone, resolution establishing valuations for purposes of assessing building permit fees in Asotin County, ordinance adopting the 2018 International Codes. Public comment for hearings will be accepted through noon Friday via email to or mail to Asotin County, P.O. Box 250, Asotin, WA 99402.
Building Official Karst Riggers: variance for Richard Grimm at 2353 Florence Lane, conditional-use permit for Danny Centenari at 2796 Grandview Drive — action items.
Treasurer Holly Tietz: STOP grant renewal — action item.
Cattlewomen’s rental agreement — action item.
Budget workshops:
1:30 p.m. Monday.
9 a.m. Tuesday.
9:30 a.m. Wednesday.
9 a.m. Thursday.
Clarkston School Board
Time: 6 p.m. Monday.
Place: 1294 Chestnut St.
Agenda items:
Clarkston High School graduation discussion.
Gifts to the school district, including $2,000 from Twin County United Way to be used for kindergarten readiness.
Ratification of 2021-22 International Union of Operating Engineers agreement — action item.
Clarkston City Council
Time: 7 p.m. Monday.
Place: Email to request to join meeting.
Agenda items:
Public hearing: 2022 six-year transportation improvement program.
Public hearing: wastewater facilities master plan update. Documents available at
Asotin City Council
Time: 5:30 p.m. Tuesday.
Place: City Hall, 121 Cleveland St.
Agenda items:
Resolution amending rental fee language to include exceptions to the rental fees are for occasional use only; routine and long-term use will be evaluated independently — action item.
Resolution authorizing the mayor to submit the grant application and accept the grant on behalf of the city of Asotin for the Washington State Office of Public Defense — action item.
Asotin County Public Utility District
Time: 5:30 p.m. Tuesday.
Place: 1500 Scenic Way, Clarkston
Agenda items:
Voucher and meeting minutes approval.
Commissioner and manager reports.
Port of Clarkston
Time: 10 a.m. Thursday.
Place: Port of Clarkston office, 849 Port Way, Clarkston.
Agenda items:
Contract for environmental investigations at Red Wolf Marina.
Contract to evaluate sediment at the mouth of Red Wolf Marina.
Approve staffing costs for 2022 budget and discussion of other parts of the 2022 budget.
Results of 2019 and 2020 audits.
Executive session for property disposition, lease negotiation and potential litigation.
Lewiston City Council
Time: 5 p.m. Monday.
Place: City Library, 411 D St.
Agenda items:
Executive session for pending litigation — action item.
Lewiston City Council
Time: 6 p.m. Monday.
Place: City Library, 411 D St.
Agenda items:
Consent agenda, including a right of way dedication, the two-lot subdivision of 1 acre at Park Avenue and Thain Road, and vouchers payable — action item.
Consider an amendment to the contract with Sanitary Disposal Inc. — action item.
Consider a revised records retention policy and schedule — action item.
Consider a contract price amendment for the water treatment plant retrofit agreement with IMCO General Construction in the amount of $28,234,979 — action item.
First reading of an ordinance to add definitions for aboveground utility structure and traffic control devices regarding exceptions to certificates of historical appropriateness — action item.
First reading of an ordinance to grant an exclusive franchise to Sanitary Disposal Inc. for collection of waste and recyclables — action item.
Second and third readings of an ordinance to establish the airport overlay zones — action item.
Second and third readings of an ordinance to amend the zoning map to include the airport zones — action item.
Second and third readings of an ordinance to annex land into the city limits — action item.
Consider amending certain maps in the city’s comprehensive land use plan — action item.
Second and third readings of an ordinance declaring that certain newly annexed land be included in the heavy industrial zone — action item.
Second and third readings of an ordinance to update the Area of City Impact map — action item.
Consider approving the reasoned statement for a zone change for Seekins Property Holdings LLC — action item.
Discussion and potential direction from the council regarding an open meetings law complaint submitted by John Bradbury — action item.
Discussion and potential direction from council regarding the nuisance building formerly known as the Emperor of India King Thai restaurant.
Consider the appointments of Cynthia Ball and Kathy Branson to the Planning and Zoning Commission — action items.
Nez Perce County Commission
Time: 1:30 p.m. Tuesday.
Place: Brammer Building, 1225 Idaho St.
Agenda items:
Consider applications for waivers from the minimum lot size requirement — action items.
Consider the disposition of surplus property — action item.
Consider a contract renewal for public defender services with Kwate Law Offices — action item.
Consider liens against real property for delinquent user charges imposed by the city of Lewiston, the Lewiston Orchards Sewer District, the Central Orchards Sewer District and the Business Improvement District — action item.
Consider authorizing the treasurer to add unpaid solid waste fees to customer tax bills — action item.
Consider approving certified unpaid homestead recoveries to be applied to 2019 real property tax — action item.
Consider a memorandum of agreement with Clearwater County — action item.
Consider a memorandum of understanding with the YWCA of Lewiston — action item.
Port of Lewiston
Time: noon Wednesday.
Place: Port of Lewiston office, 1626 Sixth Ave. N., Lewiston.
Agenda items:
Update regarding sale of land for proposed veterans clinic.
Discussion of schedule for advertising general manager’s position.
Executive session about hiring a staff member and trade negotiations.
Lewiston Planning and Zoning Commission
Time: 5:30 p.m. Wednesday.
Place: Bell Building, 215 D St.
Agenda items:
Consider the reasoned statement for a conditional use permit to add two multifamily dwellings at 508 Southway Drive — action item.
Public hearing on an application for a planned unit development amendment at Canyon Crest Estates — action item.
Initiation of a zoning code amendment to remove an article regarding inoperable vehicle storage from the zoning code — action item.
Public hearing on a conditional use permit application by Jake Graco to manufacture kitchen cabinets at 3010 East Main St. — action item.
Initiation of a zoning code amendment to add basement egress windows to the list of exempted items from the certificate of appropriateness in the Normal Hill Heritage Overlay Zone — action item.
Wheatland Fire Protection District
Time: 5:30 p.m. Wednesday.
Place: 7301 Lapwai Road, Lewiston.
Agenda items:
Current budget.
Bills — action item.
Construction grants.
Chief’s report.
Lewiston Disability Advisory Commission
Time: noon Thursday.
Place: City Hall, 1134 F St.
Agenda items:
Discussion of next areas of focus and goals for the commission.
Lewis-Clark Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization
Time: 4 p.m. Thursday.
Place: Zoom meeting, email
Agenda items:
Invoices — action item.
Review senior mobility grant applications.
Review proposed changes to purchasing policy.
Transportation improvement plan amendments.
Budget report.
Executive session for employee matters — action item.
Central Orchards Sewer District
Time: 5:30 p.m. Thursday.
Place: 1106 Idaho St.
Agenda items:
Payment of bills — action item.
Lift station property update.
Pipe replacement project — action item.
Central Orchards Sewer District
Time: 6 p.m. Thursday.
Place: 1522 Powers Ave.
Agenda items:
Discussion and consideration with city officials regarding wastewater treatment costs and the district contract with the city — action item.
Consider changing the next meeting date — action item.
Consider a contract with M.L. Albright for lift station replacement — action item.
Consider authorizing a designated representative to execute change orders on the lift station project — action item.
Consider additional services with JUB Engineers — action item.
Consideration of potential future increase in user charges — action item.
Payment of bills — action item.