NorthwestMarch 6, 2022

Asotin County Commission

Time: 9 a.m. Monday

Place: Courthouse Annex, 095 Second St., Asotin.

Agenda items:

Cynthia Tierney, community services director, contract for services with Unleashed Marketing and Design.

Chris Kemp, chief operations officer, resolution established Juneteenth as an official holiday for 2022.

Mark Janowski, emergency services director, 2021 Homeland Security grant.

Jenny Rynearson, assessor, request to fill open appraiser position.

Jennifer Ashby, library director, digital navigator funding request.

Resolution providing code enforcement to Asotin County Public Health District.

Asotin County Fair agreement with Leapin’ Louie Lichtenstein, entertainer.

Hells Canyon Rodeo agreement with P9 Rodeo Company, stock contractor.

Executive sessions on contracts and pending litigation.

Lewiston City Council

Time: 3 p.m. Monday

Place: Second floor conference room, Bell Building, 215 D St., Lewiston

Agenda items:

Avista franchise agreement update.

Community Park master plan update.

Discussion on potential changes to Chapter 2 of the Lewiston City Code regarding city administration.

Update on citizen’s concern regarding the pedestrian crossing at Juniper Drive.

Update on Axon contract for body cameras, car cameras, tasers and interview cameras.

Discussion on recommended administrative changes.

Nez Perce County Commission

Time: 10:30 a.m. Monday

Place: Brammer Building, 1225 Idaho St.

Agenda items:

Courthouse project discussion.

Other commission agendas at the Brammer Building

Time: 1:30 p.m. Monday

Agenda items:

Consideration authorizing the Nez Perce County Treasurer’s Office to destroy records — action item.

Consideration determination and disposition of surplus property of Nez Perce County — action item.

Consideration approval of request for Retail Alcohol Beverage License for Hopper’s Pizza Buffet — action item.

Consideration of the establishment of elections precincts — action item.

Time: 11 a.m. Wednesday

Agenda items:

Meeting with the Planning and Building Department for a discussion on on-call planner services, a request to waive the minimum lot size requirement for a lot line adjustment at 30305 Kaufman Lane, the upcoming city annexation of the Howard properties between Warner Avenue and Lindsay Creek Road, Skyview III final plat discussion, lot restriction issues and other administrative issues.

Time: 2 p.m. Wednesday

Agenda items:

Discussion with Inland Cellular representatives.

Time: 1:30 p.m. Thursday

Agenda items:

Meeting with prosecutor.

Lewiston-Nez Perce County Regional Airport Authority board

Time: 3 p.m. Tuesday

Place: Conference room, airport administration building, 3632 Stearman St., Lewiston.

Agenda items:

Discussion of south hangar development area.

Asotin County Public Facilities District

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Time: 4:15 p.m. Tuesday

Place: Asotin County Family Aquatic Center, 1603 Dustan Loop, Clarkston.

Agenda items:

Voucher approval.

General business.

Port of Lewiston

Time: noon Wednesday

Place: Port of Lewiston office, 1626 Sixth Ave. N., Lewiston.

Agenda items:

Reports on fiber optic network and dock and warehouse operations.

Update on EDA cruise boat dock grant.

Executive session for hiring staff, trade and litigation.

Port of Clarkston

Time: 3 p.m. Wednesday

Place: Port of Clarkston office, 849 Port Way, Clarkston

Agenda items:

Report about ongoing requests of the Corps of Engineers.

License agreement with Department of Fish and Wildlife for a station to inspect for zebra mussels.

Update on commission retreat set for March 24-25.

Arrow Junction Fire Protection District

Time: 6 p.m. Wednesday

Place: Arrow Junction Fire Protection District Station, 24700 Hewett Road

Agenda items:

Maintenance schedule

2022 training needs

Lewiston Planning and Zoning Commission

Time: 5:30 p.m. Wednesday

Place: Community Development Department Building, second floor 215 S St., Lewiston

Agenda items:

Public hearing for 35.19 acres of tax parcel located north of Frontier Drive to be annexed from the Lewiston area of city impact into Lewiston city limits and that it be assigned a Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation of Low Density Residential and placed in the proposed Northview Legacy Addition Planned Unit Development Zoning District — action item

Wheatland Fire Protection District

Time: 5:30 p.m. Wednesday

Place: 7301 Lapwai Road, Lewiston

Agenda items:

Sub-districts legal description agreement — action item.

Resolution capitol grant application — action item.

Lewis-Clark Valley Metropolitan Planning

Time: 4 p.m. Thursday

Place: Bell Building, second-floor meeting room, 215 D St., Lewiston

Agenda items:

Approve for review a draft of the Clarkston schools safety study

Accept public testimony and approve Phase II of installing sidewalks and ADA accessible ramps around Height Elementary and Lincoln Middle schools, as well as stormwater-related improvements — action item.

Lewiston Orchards Sewer District No. 1

Time: 5:30 p.m. Thursday

Place: Law Office Building, 1106 Idaho St., Lewiston

Agenda items:

Election of officers — action item.

1211 Bryden Ave. billing — action item.

Fiscal year 2021 CIPP projects — action item.

Lift station No. 5 project — action item.

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