NorthwestMarch 13, 2022

Asotin County Commission

Time: 9 a.m. Monday

Place: Courthouse Annex, 095 Second St., Asotin, or online via county’s website.


Sheriff John Hilderbrand, request to fill open corrections officer position — action item.

Eric Boggan, vocational program manager, Washington Department of Services for the Blind, amendment No. 1 to contract — action item.

Lori Hyde, Family Resource coordinator DCYF Early Intervention Provider amendment to contract — action item.

Holly Steiner, treasurer Quadient Leasing USA, postage meter lease renewal — action item.

Contract for league services for indigent persons in Asotin County Superior Court — action item.

Fair — school bus league agreement with Asotin-Anatone School District — action item.

Asotin City Council

Time: 5:30 p.m. Monday

Place: City Hall, 121 Cleveland St.


New deputy clerk hired, will begin on March 21.

Lions Club alcohol permit for Asotin County Fair.

Public hearing on short plat for 1402 Fourth St. set for March 16.

Clarkston City Council

Time: 7 p.m. Monday

Place: City Hall, 829 Fifth St., or via link provided by city clerk.


Closed record public hearing on Port of Clarkston plat subdivision.

Second Street overlay bid award to Poe Asphalt.

13th Street roundabout design bid award to Keller Associates

Poplar Street stormwater improvements bid award to McCall’s Classic.

Water quality combined financial assistance program.

Wastewater system financial plan and rate forecast.

Findings of fact and conclusions of law on Port of Clarkston subdivision plat.

Nez Perce County Commission

Time: 1:30 p.m. Monday

Place: Main floor conference room, Brammer Building, 1225 Idaho St., Lewiston.


Resolution on radio tower lease and indemnification agreement between Nez Perce County and Rathbun Communications.

Resolution on 2022 grade hardening and dust abatement project for the Nez Perce County Road and Bridge Department.

Other commission agendas at the Brammer Building

Time: 11 a.m. Tuesday


Road Department update including reports on 23rd Street, road weight limits for spring thaw, gun club road safety audit, Cherrylane Bridge construction, crew training, Deer Creek Road/Fish and Game Road, heavy equipment operator position openings, surplus equipment disposal, school speed zone request at Tammany and Palmer Parking on Waha Road.

Time: 1:30 p.m. Thursday


Weekly meeting with prosecutor.

Asotin County Stormwater Management

Time: 3 p.m. Monday

Place: Courthouse Annex, 095 Second St., Asotin


Public education and outreach

Public involvement and participation

Construction stormwater

Operation and maintenance



Lewiston City Council

Time: 6 p.m. Monday

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Place: Lewiston City Library, second floor activity room, 411 D St., Lewiston.


Consideration of employment separation and release agreement for Dan Marsh because of city’s reorganization plans, and expressing the city’s gratitude of Marsh’s 25 years of service — action item.

Axon/ five-year contract for police department body cameras, car cameras, tasers and interview room cameras — action item.

Resolution considering the destruction of certain Lewiston Police Department Records — action item.

Resolution declaring the city of Lewiston’s intent to donate property owned by the city to Nez Perce County — action item.

Preliminary plat for Bonnalie addition: Consideration of approving the subdivision of about 6½ acres located near the east end of Country Club Court into two lots, including the creation of a private street to serve two residential lots — action item.

Irrevocable consent to annexation and utility service agreement: Consideration of approving an agreement between the city and Greco Land Development LLC — action item.

Consideration of adapting a revised personnel policy — action item.

Clarkston School Board

Time: 6 p.m. Monday

Place: District Office, 1294 Chestnut St. or on Zoom


Interview candidates for board of director District Area 5

Executive session: to evaluate the qualifications of a candidate for appointment to elective office — action item.

Appointment of board of director for District Area 5 — action item.

Oath of office for appointed board of director for District Area 5.

New bus proposal for the 2022-23 school year — action item.

Clarkston Home Alliance curriculum adoption — action item.

Gifts/donations for the district: $1,500 to Clarkston High School from Naslund Disposal Service Inc., for track supplies and equipment; $2,000 to CHS Drama Club from Neil Washington for the purchase of better earpieces; $2,000 to CHS DECA from Southeast Washington Economic Development Association for state travel expenses.

Consideration to move forward with the high school bond February 2023 — action item.

Lewiston School Board

Time: 6 p.m. Monday

Place: Central Services Board room, 3317 12th St.


Consider accepting low qualifying bids for purchase of three new school buses.

Consider taking action to cancel March 28 board work session.

Consider approving application for alternative authorization endorsement from the Certification/Professional Standards Commission, SDE.

Consider resignation — certified employee.

Convene executive session to discuss personnel pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)(b) — action item.

Motion to come out of executive session — action item.

Lewiston-Nez Perce County Regional Airport Authority Board

Time: 3 p.m. Tuesday

Place: Conference room, airport administration building, 3632 Stearman St., Lewiston.


Consent to assign John Stewart lease to Bill Strange — action item.

Approve easement modification on O’Connor Road — action item.

Approve terminal lease remodel project — action item.

Discussion of lease enforcement.

Discussion of insurance requirement for flight instruction.

Lewiston City Library Board of Trustees

Time: 5:30 p.m. Wednesday

Place: Lewiston City Library, 411 D St.


Library Foundation report

Review of statistical report — action item

Approval of statement of expense — action item

Request for funds from foundation for rooftop project — action item

Approval of moving funds from trust to capital cash account — action item

Approval of rooftop construction project expenses — action item

Fire monitoring contract — action item

Best practice review — action item

Items moved from consent agenda — action item

House Bill 666 — action item

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