Nez Perce County Commission
Time: 8:30 a.m. Monday
Place: Second floor of Brammer Building, 1225 Idaho St.
Presentation of audit by Presnell Gage.
Consideration of acceptance of audit.
Asotin County Commission
Time: 9 a.m. Monday
Place: Courthouse Annex, 095 Second St., Asotin.
Application for use of school facilities, Clarkston School District — action item.
Property rental and use contract with Independent School District No. 1 Lewiston — action item.
Amendment consulting services agreement with WA Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing — action item.
Correspondence, Ralph Montague Planning Commission welcome letter.
Executive session, personnel.
Lewiston City Council
Time: 3 p.m. Monday
Place: Second floor conference room, Bell Building, 215 D St., Lewiston.
Work session agenda:
Aging of local population, report by Interlink Executive Director Mark Havens — action item.
Modie Park Conservancy, update by Garry Bush — action item.
Community Park funding — action item.
Business licenses — action item.
Fire Station 4 discussion — action item.
Innovation hub — action item.
Lewiston School Board special meeting
Time: 6 p.m. Tuesday
Place: Central Services Board Room, 3317 12th St., Lewiston
Consider issuing 2022-23 category 1, 2, 3, contracts — action item.
Consider issuing 2022-23 renewable contracts — action item.
Administrative contracts offered for 2022-23 — action item.
Conduct executive session to discuss personnel as per Idaho Code 74-206(1)(b) — action item.
Motion to come out of executive session — action item.
Consider employment contract: superintendent — action item.
Other Lewiston School Board special meeting at Central Services Board Room, 3317 12th St., Lewiston
Time: 6 p.m. Thursday
Review budget preparations for amended budget 2021-22, proposed budget 2022-23 and reaffirm public budget hearing date.
Port of Lewiston
Time: noon Wednesday
Place: 1626 Sixth Ave. North, Lewiston
Convene public hearing for adoption of FY2022 amended budget.
Convene public hearing for adoption of FY2023 budget.
Adopt FY2022 amended budget — action item.
Adopt FY2023 budget — action item.
Adopt 2023 tax levy — action item.
Approve memorandum of agreement between the Dept. of the Army and Port of Lewiston for additional work during operation and maintenance of the Lower Granite Dam and Reservoir Navigation Channel — action item.
Reports on Terminal I, Terminal II, fiber optic network.
Commission committee reports.
Financial report — action item.
Act on claims — action item.
Executive session — roll call vote.
Lewiston Planning and Zoning Commission
Time: 5:30 p.m. Wednesday
Place: Second floor conference room, Bell Building, 215 D St., Lewiston.
Approval of reasoned statement of relevant criteria and standards for DeAtley rezone — action item.
Preliminary plat for Blackhawk Addition, The Blackhawk Addition preliminary plat proposes to subdivide approximately 3.57 acres of property located along the south side of the 800 block of Preston Avenue into 13 development lots — action item.
Public hearing for conditional use permit by Travis Nicholson for multi-family dwelling in the R2A zone located in lot 2, block 7 of Lewiston Orchards tract, to the north and east of 927 Linden Ave. and to the west of 935 Linden Ave. and subsequent deliberation and direction of staff regarding the reasoned statement — action item.
Staff-commission communications.
Wheatland Fire Protection District Commissioners
Time: 5:30 p.m. Wednesday
Place: 7301 Lapwai Road, Lewiston
Current budget.
Bills — action item.
Fire chief’s report.
New Business.
Nez Perce County Fair Board
Time: 6 p.m. Wednesday
Place: Office expansion room, Nez Perce County Fair Pavilion, 1229 Burrell Ave., Lewiston.
Note: Public is welcome to attend, but, because of COVID-19 concerns, is asked to RSVP by calling the fair office at (208) 743-3302.
Consideration of financial reports — action item.
Update from meeting with commissioner’s office.
Consideration of board bylaws/policies — action item.
Consideration of 2023 Nez Perce County Fair theme — action item.
Consideration of board guidelines — action item.
Rescheduling August board meeting date — action item.
Consideration of board committees — action item.
Executive session, consideration of employee FMLA — action item.
Disability Advisory Commission
Time: noon Thursday
Place: City Hall back conference room, 1134 F St., Lewiston.
Area Agency on Aging presentation.
Review and discuss DAC bylaws.
Discuss and approve mission and vision statements to be brought to City Council for approval — action item.
Commissioner comments.
Staff liaison comments.
Lewis-Clark Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization
Time: 4:15 p.m. Thursday
Place: Bell Building, second-floor meeting room, 215 D St., Lewiston
Agenda items:
TIP Administrative Modification 22-03, Asotin County, Snake River
Road Project MP 19.00-19.71: A request to add the Snake River Road Project MP
19.00-19.71 back into the program. This is a previously obligated project. Funding
includes $23,100 in STP(R) funding for PE in 2023, $139,560 in STBG(R) funding and
$1,376,100 in CRAB funding in 2024 for construction — action item.
Contract amendment, Clarkston schools safety study, Keller Associates. An amendment to the contract with Keller Associates to add Asotin schools to the scope of work for services — action item.
MPO director comments.
MPO policy board comments.
Lewiston Orchards Sewer District No.1
Time: 5:30 p.m. Thursday.
Place: Law Office Building, 1106 Idaho St., Lewiston.
Approval for payment of the bills against the district — action item.
2021 audit by Presnell Gage — action item.
FY21 CIPP sewer line project — action item.
Scope of work and fee for the Gravity Sewer Option at Lift Station No. 5 — action item.
Central Orchards Sewer District
Time: 6 p.m. Thursday
Place: 1522 Powers Ave., Lewiston.
Consideration of agreement and billings with the city of Lewiston for wastewater treatment services — action item.
Public hearing on annexation petition of Dan and Brenda Forge property located at lot 3, John Carpenter addition, with address of 1412 Richardson Ave. — action item.
Work session of district budget for fiscal year ending Nov. 30, 2023 — action item.
Staff report.
Attorney’s report.
Payment of bills and approval of financial report — action item.