BOISE - Lewiston state Rep. Thyra Stevenson contributed to the initial testiness of the state health insurance exchange debate Wednesday by asking if House Minority Leader John Rusche had a conflict of interest on the issue.
She raised the question in the middle of the Idaho House floor debate. House Speaker Scott Bedke, R-Oakley, interrupted and said it was inappropriate.
"It's incumbent upon the members individually to disclose any conflicts they have and inappropriate for other members to ask," he said. "I'm uncomfortable with that."
Stevenson, who also sits on the Lewiston City Council, has a history of questioning her colleagues' behavior. Last summer she suggested Lewiston Mayor Kevin Poole had a conflict when voting on a city transportation project because of his employment with an engineering firm.
During the lunch break, Rusche said he was offended by Stevenson's inquiry. He was clearly upset, to the point that he had to walk away.
"I've never seen someone's integrity questioned on the House floor," he said. "To have someone from my own city do it "
Stevenson's comment came about 90 minutes into the debate, when she stood up and asked if Rusche, a former insurance company medical director, wanted to make a disclosure under the House rule dealing with potential conflicts of interest.
Before Bedke cut her short, Rusche said he did not, given that his employment with the firm ended almost nine years ago.
During a short break in the debate, Stevenson said she was just wondering about Rusche's participation on a gubernatorial task force last fall, which recommended moving forward with a state-based exchange rather than defaulting to a federal option.
"It was a fairly innocent question. Don't blow it up," she said.
Several hours later, near the close of the debate, Stevenson apologized to Rusche, saying she'd received some misinformation.
Spence may be contacted at or (208) 791-9168.