NorthwestSeptember 3, 2022

Skip Brandt
Skip Brandt

GRANGEVILLE — Idaho County Commission Chairman Skip Brandt has been appointed to the National Association of Counties public lands steering committee that helps inform other county-level leaders on legislative policy decisions being made in Washington, D.C.

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Brandt, 58, of Kooskia, was notified this week of the appointment. As a member of the committee, he will participate in monthly conference calls and other in-person meetings that provide a platform to discuss county issues with colleagues across the nation.

“Being appointed to the national organization gives me a little more influence when I go back to D.C., as now I do not just represent Idaho County, or even the Idaho counties. But now I am a voice for all the counties,” Brandt said. “One of those trips will be ... when I head back to D.C. to address how important (Secure Rural Schools Act) and (Payment in lieu of taxes) (are) for counties with large portions of federally managed lands.”

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