NorthwestMay 19, 2022

Majority of residents in north central Idaho approve measures to maintain school operations

For the Tribune

Voters of north central Idaho passed four school levies in Tuesday’s primary election. The supplemental levies will pay for the expenses of maintaining and operating schools in each district.

Here’s how the results came in:

Genesee School District

Nez Perce and Latah county voters passed a one-year supplemental levy of $1,185,000 with about 61%, or 276 votes, in favor of the measure. About 39%, or 180 votes, opposed, with 456 votes in all. The levy will cost property owners $553.64 per $100,000 of taxable assessed value.

The majority of votes for the Genesee School District’s levy were cast by Latah County residents.

Whitepine School District

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Voters in Latah and Clearwater counties passed a one-year supplemental levy of $880,000 with about 64%, or 295 votes, in favor of the measure. About 36%, or 168 votes, opposed, with 463 votes in all. The levy will cost property owners $364 per $100,000 of taxable assessed value.

Nezperce School District

A one-year supplemental levy of $445,000 passed with about 65%, or 192 votes, in favor of the measure. About 35%, or 102 votes, opposed, with 294 votes in all. The levy will cost property owners $313.40 per $100,000 of taxable assessed value.

About 49% of voters in Idaho County supported the measure, while voters in Lewis County favored it by 68% and those in Clearwater County by 58%. The majority of the total votes came from Lewis County.

Cottonwood School District

Idaho County voters passed a one-year supplemental levy of $250,000 with about 64%, or 462 votes, in favor of the measure. About 36%, or 259 votes, opposed, with 721 votes in all. The levy will cost property owners $115.81 per $100,000 of taxable assessed value.

No votes from Lewis County residents were tallied for the Cottonwood School District’s levy.

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