BOISE — Anyone who wants to testify on a bill remotely during the 2021 Idaho legislative session will need to sign up in advance.
It’s unclear whether remote testimony will experience the same level of technical glitches that beset online committee hearings during the first week of the session.
Nevertheless, it’s expected to play a bigger role this year than it has in the past, given the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
Eric Milstead, director of the Legislative Services Office, said each committee’s website includes a link where people can register for remote testimony.
All committee websites can be found online, at Click on the specific committee you want, and then click on the “Public Testimony Registration” link at the top of the page.
Daily agendas and bill information can also be found on the committee websites, as well as at
People seeking to testify remotely will have to provide their name, an email and physical address, what organization they represent (if any), and whether they’re for or against the bill.
The Legislature also continues to accept in-person testimony.
The first public hearings of the 2021 session — as well as the first remote testimony — took place Monday in the House State Affairs Committee.
Spence may be contacted at or (208) 791-9168.