NorthwestApril 8, 2010

Petition now circulating calling for Steve Wright's ouster

An attempt to recall the Lapwai School Board chairman has been launched with a petition calling for Steve Wright's removal.

Signed by 20 registered voters in Wright's zone, the petition has been turned into the board clerk, said Lanna Hammond, who spearheaded the effort and plans to run for the school board position if the recall is successful.

The school district's clerk is in the process of verifying the signatures and voter status of each person who signed the petition, said Cathy Peterson, business manager. A response should be ready at the end of the week.

The recall attempt is the latest in a tumultuous year at Lapwai. The district faced a lawsuit over a levy, Superintendent Terry Smith is stepping down from his job at the end of the school year and taking a different position at the district, and school board meetings have been contentious.

Hammond said several concerns prompted the push to recall the board chairman, including Wright's employment with a company that does work for the school district and allegations he does not follow board policy and abuses his powers as chairman.

"Chairman Wright is also guilty of unprofessional demeanor while acting as board chair or interacting with the patrons of this school district," according to the petition.

Wright, who is manager of Hobson Fabricating in Lewiston, has come under fire for not excusing himself from all votes and decisions involving work provided by his employer. The conflict of interest issue was raised at a recent school board meeting when Wright voted to pay the monthly bills, which included a payment to Hobson for heating, ventilation and air conditioning work.

"I think it's completely bogus," Wright said of the allegation. "I don't think there's anything wrong with Hobson doing work at the school. We've never been handed work. I'm on salary. It doesn't do anything for me. I think we've actually saved the school money because we've provided the lowest bid on some projects."

Calls about the conflict-of-interest issue made to attorney Steven J. Meade, general counsel for the Idaho School Boards Association, were not immediately returned. Meade helps the school board with legal questions.

Wright, who was elected in 2007 for the Zone 4 position and became chairman in August, defended the way he conducts school board meetings.

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"I have other people tell me they think I'm very kind and considerate," he said. "Because the meetings get so lengthy, I tell people to hold it to five minutes and not repeat what's already been said. The only time I won't let people speak is if they're making personal attacks or they have already had their say on the agenda."

Wright said he thinks the recall is over the recent levy lawsuit filed by the Lapwai School Patrons Ad Hoc Committee, which includes Jack and Lanna Hammond.

Earlier this year, the committee asked a judge to halt the collection of a $600,000 supplemental levy and declare it unlawful, claiming the intent of the levy was meant for operations and maintenance, not capital improvements. The lawsuit against Nez Perce County and the Lapwai School District was dismissed and that decision has been appealed.

"As soon as they lost in court, they filed the recall," Wright said.

"That's totally untrue," Hammond counters. "Besides, we haven't lost yet. It's on appeal. The reason I am willing to be on the school board is because we need people who are fiscally responsible with the taxpayers' dollars. I am also concerned for the students and teachers. ... Things need to change in this school district and we have a lot of patrons who are going to step to the plate and make this happen."

Wright said he's worked hard for the Lapwai School District. "I've spent countless hours protecting the interests of the school district. I've dedicated my time to this," he said. "We're in a tough spot. Not only do we have all the state cutbacks, now we have the problem of finding a new superintendent and I'm facing a recall election while we're trying to adjust the budget."

If all of the signatures on the first petition are valid and from registered voters, the next step in the process is gathering signatures from 20 percent of eligible voters in the last election in which the recalled board member was elected. That step triggers a recall election.

If Wright is recalled, a new school board member would be appointed, and that person would have to run in the next election.


Sandaine may be contacted at or (208) 848-2264.

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