A New Meadows, Idaho, man who went missing overnight Saturday while on a Salmon River rafting trip was located safe Sunday afternoon, according to the Idaho County Sheriff’s Office.
William “Bill” Libby, 65, was with a raft group that had put in at Corn Creek. On the fifth day of the trip, he asked to be dropped off on the south side of the river in the area of Dried Meat Rapids and planned to hike the rest of the way to the pickup location at Vinegar Creek boat ramp, according to a news release from the sheriff’s office.
When the rest of the party arrived at Vinegar Creek, they couldn’t find Libby. He was reported as a missing person at 8 p.m. Saturday.
On Sunday, family members were taken to Dried Meat Rapids by jet boat and began a foot search downriver while Idaho County deputies searched upriver from Vinegar Creek boat ramp. At about 1 p.m., Idaho County deputies received word from other rafters and kayakers that Libby had been seen on the south side of the river near Johnson Creek Bar. He was picked up by other rafters and dropped off with Idaho County deputies, according to the news release.
Libby told deputies he was trying to navigate his way downriver but the terrain became impassable. He worked his way back downhill to the river, where he was picked up by rafters. He was out of food and water, and was exhausted, but otherwise in good condition and refused any medical attention, according to the news release.