Public commenters, some in favor of a lower levy amount and some who’d prefer to do away with the funding model altogether, told the Mountain View School District to take its bills to the Statehouse at Monday’s board meeting in Grangeville.
Superintendent Todd Fiske even asked if property taxes are the best route for funding education.
“This isn’t Mountain View’s funding model; this is Idaho’s funding model,” Fiske said. “Should we be at the state level, asking our Legislature for more?”
A $3.1 million supplemental levy, which sought $800,000 less than a previous measure, was rejected by voters in May. It would have supported the general operation and maintenance of school district buildings and activities for one year. Another levy attempt, this time for $2.2 million, is set for August.
Becky Hogg, business manager for the school district, addressed Casey Smith, a board member who ran multiple advertisements and editorials in the Idaho County Free Press opposing the district’s efforts to pass the levy that would make up about 30 percent of its total budget.
“Make sure you have your facts straight,” Hogg said. “And make sure you have the respect for your neighbors and their families who built these schools.”
The school district’s proposed levy ran at a lower rate per $1,000 in assessed property value, according to Hogg, when compared with similar measures from its sister districts.
“The levy is for everything that makes up the meatloaf we’re currently dining on,” she said. “We’re not adding anything new, over or above.”
Smith, the sole board member who publicly opposed the school district’s most recent levy attempts, took exception to Hogg’s comments.
“I am responding to her accusing me of being a liar,” he said.
Board President Rebecca Warden read through a report submitted with last month’s meeting agenda by former acting Superintendent Woody Woodford, who held the position for one school year.
“Woodford noted that once misinformation is out there, it’s hard to reel it back in,” Warden said. “How can we close the gap and give our community members accurate information?”
Bonnie Majors, who said she’s been an Idaho County resident for more than 30 years, told the board during its public comment period that it received an answer from the public in May when the levy was turned down by voters.
Property values have gone up across the country, according to Majors, and will be reflected in future property taxes.
“The state is given the responsibility to provide an adequate public education,” she said. “Go to Boise and demand they do just that.”
John Silveria, also speaking during public comment, cited Article 9 Section 1 of the Idaho Constitution, which states the Legislature’s duty is to “establish and maintain a general, uniform and thorough system of public, free common schools.”
“There’s no reason to fight amongst each other,” Silveria said. “Go to the state and make them pay the bill like the Constitution says they’re supposed to. Either that or say we’re going to close the schools down.”
School district officials predicted a financial emergency if the reduced levy doesn’t pass in August.
“Starting into the new school year, we have some big hurdles ahead of us,” Fiske said. “We have to ask what we want from our school district. Let’s ceasefire.”
The Mountain View School Board will meet again at 5:30 p.m. July 19 in the district office.
Palermo may be contacted at Follow her on Twitter @apalermotweets.